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Web Services for DB2 Cube Views

Hits: 247

Capitalization of English Names

Hits: 209
Web Services for DB2 Cube
The IBM developerWorks Live!
There are names in the
Examine the roots of the
Views provide access to
Technical Briefings, which
English language like Sam
double-checked locking
multidimensional data stored
were a great success
O'Neil, Jenny McCarthy,
idiom, why it was developed,
in DB2. These Web services
worldwide in 2003, have been
Beverly d'Angelo, Leonardo
and why it doesn't work. The
allow a client application
expanded for 2004. The
di Caprio, Don Alejandro de
Java programming language
to read data from the cubes
following five types of
la Vega, Wernher von Braun,
contains several useful
and perform basic online
technical briefings, which
etc. that give us trouble
programming idioms. It also
analysis on multidimensional
include presentations and
when we try to properly
contains some that further
data and metadata through
extensive demonstrations,
capitalize them in software
study has shown should not
the Web, using XPath and XML.
will be held in cities
applications. I provide a
be used. Double-checked
around the world in 2004 (at
customizable and extendable
locking is one such idiom
no cost to you): e-business
solution to this problem. I
that should never be used.
on demand, IBM Software
had looked through many
Development Platform,
documents on the net
Speed-start Linux
concerning capitalization in
applications, Speed-start
English and also spoke to
Web services, Globalizing
some people that are
your applications.
supposed to know things like
this. Then I've written some
code that puts all this
theory into Java.

Date: Jul, 08 2003

Date: May, 11 2004

Date: May, 26 2006

Date: May, 21 2002
Ant, from Jakarta project at
the Apache Foundation, has
become a de facto standard
for building Java projects.
You may already be using it
to create automatic builds.
It's easy enough to tailor
those builds to your needs
by customizing the build
files; but what if you want
to wait until run time to
set certain properties? This
article shows you how to
extend Ant to produce builds
that are interactive at run
time; users can follow
prompts to change parameters
each time they conduct a
build without having to deal
with unfamiliar build files.
You can incorporate this
functionality into your
builds to provide a smoother
and more flexible experience
for your end users.

Date: Nov, 28 2001
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