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JSP Basics

Hits: 960

Playing WAV files using Java

Hits: 1433
Java 2D may be the most
Java Server Pages (JSP) is a
The much awaited Java 5 has
There is source code of
obvious solution for
Java API in J2EE which
been launched in recent past
simple class AePlayWave in
programming 2D graphs in
allows dynamic creation of
by Sun. People who are in IT
this article, which can play
Java programs, but it's not
web pages using Java. It has
or related to IT industry
WAV(AUFF, SND, AU might also
the only one. This article
the same purpose as other
were interested about its
be supported) sound files
proposes an elegant
existing technologies like
consequences on many
asynchronously (in a
alternative in the form of
CGI or PHP. In this tutorial
factors. People who are
separate thread, without
Java Objects for Science
you will learn about
developing applications
interruption of main
(JSci), an open-source
Lifecycle of JSP pages,
using Java as a developing
program). It is possible to
package that lets you create
Dynamic content generation,
technology were more
use it in console or GUI
2D bar graphs, pie charts,
Invoking Java code using JSP
interested in new language
Java programs for playing
and line graphs in Swing.
scripting elements,
features and other
user notification sounds.
JavaBeans for JSP and Error
technological enhancements.
There is also trivial
But others for whom it is
RSS-feed checker, which
important to manage such
plays various sounds on
process from higher level
rss-feed update.
were more interested in
things that are going to
change with Java 5. In this
article we are going to
discuss enhancements in Java
5 over prior versions that
are important from
management’s point of view.

Date: Oct, 09 2001

Date: Jul, 19 2006

Date: Jun, 04 2006

Date: Nov, 06 2006
Web apps developed with the
With emergence of Java 5, a
In the real world of everyday
The latest release of IBM
thin client computing model
set of new features is
computing (and development),
WebSphere Studio and the
exhibit performance gaps and
included in Java technology.
there are many situations
Portal Toolkit plug-in
user interface limitations.
Many programmers working on
where "whipping up a
provide new features for
As an alternative, the IBM
Java technology were excited
Java program" to
developing front-end
FacesClient Components
before its release about its
perform a task is either
applications using Java
(formerly called the Odyssey
new features. In this
impractical or too time
Server Faces. These features
Browser Framework) provides
article, new features of
consuming. This article
enable developers to quickly
a more effective model for
Java 5 are summarized which
takes you into the
and easily use visual
developing Web apps.
are important from
underground world of FESI
FacesClient Components work
programmer’s point of view.
(Free EcmaScript
development tools and
inside a portlet programming
Interpreter), where
provide a rich set of
environment to deliver
deploying the Java language
interesting user interface
exceptional value in the
in a quick-and-dirty fashion
components not easily
form of richer user
is the norm rather than the
created or maintained in the
interfaces and improved
exception. Article includes
past. This tutorial
code snipets.
demonstrates how a framework
as flexible as Java Server
Faces and the tools provided
by both WebSphere Studio and
the Portal Toolkit make
short order of integrating,
testing and maintaining a
portal-based front end.

Date: Jan, 20 2005

Date: Jun, 04 2006

Date: Jul, 03 2001

Date: Oct, 14 2004
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