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Using Java to read bar codes

Hits: 494

Turning streams inside out

Hits: 668
This article takes a new look
Add more versatility to your
Examine the roots of the
Ant, from Jakarta project at
at UPC symbols and bar
existing Java framework. The
double-checked locking
the Apache Foundation, has
codes, and describes how you
same framework supports file
idiom, why it was developed,
become a de facto standard
can use Java to read
access, network access,
and why it doesn't work. The
for building Java projects.
information from a UPC bar
character conversion,
Java programming language
You may already be using it
code. The authors explain
compression, encryption and
contains several useful
to create automatic builds.
how to expedite and organize
so forth. This article
programming idioms. It also
It's easy enough to tailor
your enterprise operations
presents a framework that
contains some that further
those builds to your needs
that revolve around an IBM
lets an application
study has shown should not
by customizing the build
DB2 database. The sample
efficiently read data from a
be used. Double-checked
files; but what if you want
application described in the
source that only supports
locking is one such idiom
to wait until run time to
article includes
writing data to an output
that should never be used.
set certain properties? This
downloadable code.
article shows you how to
extend Ant to produce builds
that are interactive at run
time; users can follow
prompts to change parameters
each time they conduct a
build without having to deal
with unfamiliar build files.
You can incorporate this
functionality into your
builds to provide a smoother
and more flexible experience
for your end users.

Date: Jul, 23 2002

Date: Jul, 11 2002

Date: May, 21 2002

Date: Nov, 28 2001
The Java 2 Platform, Micro
Glass box extensibility
Java 2D may be the most
Project Jxta is a
Edition (J2ME) offers great
refers to the ways in which
obvious solution for
community-run attempt to
tools for developers,
a software system may be
programming 2D graphs in
build a utility application
porting the Java platform's
extended when the source
Java programs, but it's not
substrate for peer-to-peer
network-centric and
code is available for
the only one. This article
applications. The initial
platform-agnostic worldview
viewing, but not for
proposes an elegant
reference implementation of
down to memory- and
modifying -- it lies as the
alternative in the form of
Jxta includes a command-line
processor-limited devices.
happy medium between black
Java Objects for Science
shell that allows
This article explains the
box design (in which
(JSci), an open-source
experimentation with the
basics of the J2ME world,
extensions are built without
package that lets you create
core Jxta platform without
showing you the building
viewing the original code)
2D bar graphs, pie charts,
programming. This article
blocks of the platform and
and open box design
and line graphs in Swing.
takes us through a hands-on
demonstrating a sample
(extensions are coded
tour of the <a
directly into the base
code). Because the new
extensions are based
directly on the original
code but don't alter it, the
glass box design is probably
the most effective, and
safest, method of extending
a software system. This
article expands on the topic
of glass box extensibility
touched on last month in
this column. After reading
this article, you'll know
when to use the glass box
and will have some tips on
how to implement it.

Date: Nov, 07 2001

Date: Oct, 24 2001

Date: Oct, 09 2001

Date: Sep, 11 2001
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