
popular collection of scripts for all

/** Search */


A database which is embedded
The IBM developerWorks Live!
Not only is logging an
This is a continuation of the
in a Java application can be
Technical Briefings, which
important element in
three-part series on
an excellent idea which has
were a great success
development and testing
building resource management
a lot of potential. It is
worldwide in 2003, have been
cycles -- providing crucial
applications. It takes a
currently possible to use it
expanded for 2004. The
debugging information -- it
look at the Web-Based
for a client portable
following five types of
is also useful for detecting
Enterprise Management (WBEM)
database in both browser and
technical briefings, which
bugs once a system has been
initiative. WBEM serves to
desktop programs.
include presentations and
deployed in a production
standardize the description
extensive demonstrations,
environment, providing
and use of managed resources
will be held in cities
precise context information
in enterprise networks.
around the world in 2004 (at
to fix them. In this
Follow along as the author
no cost to you): e-business
article, Ruth Zamorano and
describes the components
on demand, IBM Software
Rafael Luque, cofounders of
that comprise WBEM, and
Development Platform,
Orange Soft, a Spain-based
practice using the
Speed-start Linux
software company
technology with a simple
applications, Speed-start
specializing in
filesystem example.
Web services, Globalizing
your applications.
technologies, server-side
Java platform, and Web
content accessibility,
explain how to use the
extension ability of log4j
to enable your distributed
Java applications to be
monitored by instant
messaging (IM).

Date: Jul, 17 2006

Date: May, 11 2004

Date: Aug, 18 2003

Date: Jun, 19 2001
JAR Class Finder is a
JSP technology is well-known,
Demonstration of the
Jikes Bytecode Toolkit is a
WSAD/Eclipse plug-in utility
supported by most
try-catch-finally exception
100% Java class library that
for finding JAR files
application servers, and
handling mechanism
enables Java programs to
containing a given class for
endorsed by the J2EE
create, read, and write
the Java build path of a
Blueprints. Why would you
binary Java class files and
project and for helping to
choose otherwise? In this
to query and update a
fix NoClassDefFound
first of a two-part series,
single, high-level
exceptions. This utility
learn about the Tea template
representation of the
helps users to quickly and
language and how Tea can be
collection of them,
easily resolve
a viable alternative to JSP
including relationships
ClassDefNotFound exceptions,
among them. These features
which commonly occur during
allow the development of
run time. It can also be
tools that report on what
used to avoid getting such
APIs the classes use,
errors if used before run
reorder and change
instructions, merge or
extend classes, add
customized instrumentation
(similar to profilers),
analyze control and data
flow, etc.

Date: Aug, 06 2003

Date: Aug, 22 2002

Date: Jan, 04 2006

Date: Aug, 06 2003
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