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Faster apps on a better machine

Hits: 608
GUIs are generally designed
Examine the roots of the
Ant, from Jakarta project at
If you want to build and run
with a model-view-controller
double-checked locking
the Apache Foundation, has
faster Java applications on
architecture in which the
idiom, why it was developed,
become a de facto standard
the IBM Developer Kit for
view is decoupled from the
and why it doesn't work. The
for building Java projects.
Linux, version 1.3, roll up
model. The separation
Java programming language
You may already be using it
your sleeves and prepare to
presents a challenge to
contains several useful
to create automatic builds.
get dirty. This article
automated testing because
programming idioms. It also
It's easy enough to tailor
provides hands-on
it's difficult to verify
contains some that further
those builds to your needs
instruction for profiling,
that a state change in the
study has shown should not
by customizing the build
monitoring, and performance
model is reflected
be used. Double-checked
files; but what if you want
tuning not only your IBM
appropriately in the view --
locking is one such idiom
to wait until run time to
Developer Kit, but your
it spawns the infamous
that should never be used.
set certain properties? This
hardware capacity, the Linux
"Liar View." This
article shows you how to
2.2.x kernel, and your Java
installment of Diagnosing
extend Ant to produce builds
Java Code examines the Liar
that are interactive at run
View bug pattern.
time; users can follow
prompts to change parameters
each time they conduct a
build without having to deal
with unfamiliar build files.
You can incorporate this
functionality into your
builds to provide a smoother
and more flexible experience
for your end users.

Date: Apr, 23 2001

Date: May, 21 2002

Date: Nov, 28 2001

Date: May, 23 2001
When Java was developed
Learn how to create
If you're looking for a
If you have been working with
initially as OAK even its
digital-certificate chains
unique programming
C++ programs for longer than
developers were not sure in
to test your software. IBM
challenge, try your hand at
five years, you should be
which direction the
Software Engineer, Paul H.
building a management
well aware of the
technology will grow. And
Abbott, clarifies this
application for a
difficulties involved with
actually Java has taken an
seldom-documented process by
distributed, cross-platform
debugging software. However,
unexpected turn around as a
showing you how to use the
network. This article is the
many younger programmers
development technology. It
freely available OpenSSL
first in a three-part series
don't have experience with
started its journey with
toolkit to create a
that looks at how Sun
these issues because Java
embedded applications but
certificate chain of any
Microsystems's Jiro
deals with memory problems
people found it somewhat
length. He also describes
technology and the
by using what is called the
slow when compare to C++.
common certificate
Distributed Management Task
garbage collector. Whenever
Java made foray into web in
attributes and shows you
Force's Web-Based Enterprise
a new object is created in
the form of applets and
some sample Java code for
Management Initiative (WBEM)
Java, the Java Virtual
ruled the world for
reading the certificates you
can simplify the creation of
Machine will reserve memory
sometime. But then came
create into a Java keystore.
management applications for
for it, and if the object
enterprise era with crusade
heterogeneous environments.
reference disappears, the
of .NET and J2EE. In this
memory will be reclaimed.
article let us examine
possible directions where
there are chances Java will
grow as development

Date: Jun, 04 2006

Date: Aug, 25 2004

Date: Jun, 01 2001

Date: Jul, 19 2006
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