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Servlets Advanced

Hits: 861

Solution Enabler

Hits: 288

Structural Analysis for Java

Hits: 537
The Reference Monitor's
After describing some basic
Solution Enabler is a
SA4J is a technology that
purpose is to simplify the
programming of servlets, we
framework for creating and
analyzes structural
task of developing new
will describe some advanced
deploying solutions locally
dependencies of Java
privacy monitors, which are
topics of servlets in this
or to remote machines with
applications in order to
integration points between
tutorial, viz., Session
different operating systems.
measure their stability. It
an application and the
Tracking, Servlet Filters,
The framework helps to
detects structural
Privacy Manager server. IBM
Servlet Life Cycle Events,
simplify the creation and
Tivoli Privacy Manager
Including, forwarding and
deployment of software
(suspicious design elements)
provides a way for
redirecting, Servlet
solutions by capturing
and provides dependency web
businesses to meet various
Chaining and Applet Servlet
detailed knowledge of a
browsing for detailed
privacy regulations. It
solution package deployed
exploration of anti-patterns
incorporates a privacy
through a common installer.
in the dependency web. SA4J
management middleware system
also enables "what
that applies privacy rules
if" analysis in order
to existing applications
to assess the impact of
while minimizing the impact
change on the functionality
to the environment.
of the application; and it
offers guidelines for
package re-factoring.

Date: May, 27 2004

Date: Jul, 19 2006

Date: Aug, 06 2003

Date: Apr, 10 2004
Graphical and user interface
Project Jxta is a
The On Demand Operating
Add more versatility to your
capabilities have progressed
community-run attempt to
Environment is based upon
existing Java framework. The
in leaps and bounds since
build a utility application
the concepts of Service
same framework supports file
the early days of the Java
substrate for peer-to-peer
Oriented Architecture (SOA).
access, network access,
language. The Java 2
applications. The initial
SOA views every application
character conversion,
platform contains a
reference implementation of
or resource as a service
compression, encryption and
sophisticated cross-platform
Jxta includes a command-line
implementing a specific,
so forth. This article
user interface architecture
shell that allows
identifiable set of
presents a framework that
that consists of numerous
experimentation with the
(business) functions. In
lets an application
high-level components, an
core Jxta platform without
addition to the business
efficiently read data from a
advanced feature-rich
programming. This article
functions, services in an on
source that only supports
device-independent graphics
takes us through a hands-on
demand environment might
writing data to an output
system, and a host of
tour of the <a
also implement management
multimedia extensions. This
interfaces to participate in
article explores this
the broader configuration,
progression, examines the
operation, and monitoring of
capabilities of the current
the environment. This
version 1.3 in detail, and
article provides an
looks to the future to see
introduction to the On
what release 1.4 will offer.
Demand Operating Environment.

Date: Jul, 25 2001

Date: Sep, 11 2001

Date: Aug, 27 2004

Date: Jul, 11 2002
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