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Playing WAV files using Java

Hits: 1432

Antipatterns In Java Programs

Hits: 890

JSP Basics

Hits: 960
There is source code of
If you have been working with
An antipattern can be defined
Java Server Pages (JSP) is a
simple class AePlayWave in
C++ programs for longer than
as a bad design in the Java
Java API in J2EE which
this article, which can play
five years, you should be
language. Antipatterns will
allows dynamic creation of
WAV(AUFF, SND, AU might also
well aware of the
bring forth bad answers in a
web pages using Java. It has
be supported) sound files
difficulties involved with
way that is easy for some
the same purpose as other
asynchronously (in a
debugging software. However,
people to understand. If you
existing technologies like
separate thread, without
many younger programmers
are programming with Java,
CGI or PHP. In this tutorial
interruption of main
don't have experience with
it is important to
you will learn about
program). It is possible to
these issues because Java
understand both antipatterns
Lifecycle of JSP pages,
use it in console or GUI
deals with memory problems
and patterns. When you work
Dynamic content generation,
Java programs for playing
by using what is called the
with software programs, they
Invoking Java code using JSP
user notification sounds.
garbage collector. Whenever
will need to be maintained.
scripting elements,
There is also trivial
a new object is created in
JavaBeans for JSP and Error
RSS-feed checker, which
Java, the Java Virtual
plays various sounds on
Machine will reserve memory
rss-feed update.
for it, and if the object
reference disappears, the
memory will be reclaimed.

Date: Nov, 06 2006

Date: Jul, 19 2006

Date: Jul, 19 2006

Date: Jul, 19 2006
After describing some basic
A database which is embedded
Palm products are very
As you work with J2EE, you
programming of servlets, we
in a Java application can be
popular mobile communication
will find that there are a
will describe some advanced
an excellent idea which has
tools which have a large
large number of programs
topics of servlets in this
a lot of potential. It is
number of properties.
which have been designed to
tutorial, viz., Session
currently possible to use it
Because of the properties
make it easier to work with.
Tracking, Servlet Filters,
for a client portable
that these devices have,
If you are a programmer, the
Servlet Life Cycle Events,
database in both browser and
they have been combined with
last thing you should want
Including, forwarding and
desktop programs.
programs such as Java.
to concern yourself with is
redirecting, Servlet
basic low level programming
Chaining and Applet Servlet

Date: Jul, 19 2006

Date: Jul, 17 2006

Date: Jul, 17 2006

Date: Jul, 17 2006
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