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Customer Support


Help Desk 6 by Expinion.net

Hits: 483

Workoder System

Hits: 468
TiNSupport provides you with
A simple web-based help desk
The web based support &
Creates workorders for a IT
the ability to have
solution. OWOS Lite helps
knowledgebase solution, for
center. Was designed
one-to-one conversations
you simplify support
customer service
spacifically for ISDN and T1
with many clients. The
requests, e-mail
client interfaces with a
communication, organize
Representatives can save
single support person whilst
planning and scheduling, and
time, share info, and
that support person can be
provide powerful access to
present a polished image,
having several different
the information you need.
from their online browsers –
conversations. Features
inexpensively. * This is
of the helpdesk chat
NOT just a FAQ system or
application include; 1. HTML
'chat' software, but a tool
formatting 2. Preformated
loaded with features for
responses 3. The ability to
admin agents and that will
ban chatters 4. The
encourage your visitors to
designation of support
provide feedback without
requests 5. The ability to
feeling intimidated! And
save conversations 6.
your business saves time and
Multiple skins 7. The
expenses because the
ability to collect and
multi-level categories and
collate web stats using the
search functions help keep
content management system.
your knowledgebase useful
and informative. (Less
tickets will be
submitted!) * Enable
complete communications and
information sharing between
your support technicians and
clients...from anywhere and
anytime. (Ticket email
notifications are sent out
automatically in HTML, and
are customizable. But, you
can also send emails between
agents to keep information
flowing.) * Source code,
install, support &
future upgrade are all
included, for only $145.

Date: Jan, 19 2006

Date: Mar, 17 2003

Date: Feb, 01 2006

Date: Jul, 15 2002
All these features are
This free software is used to
Supports multiple support
Connect with your customers
included in site settings
quickly log trouble ticket
persons to answer questions,
and support issues quickly
menu. You can control
calls. It is designed to be
Supports simutaneous
and efficiently with this
whether email should be sent
used as a call center but
converstions in multiple
easy to use, easy to install
or not, enable/disable
also could easily be used as
windows, Quick click
FREE script. RealLinkASP
attachments, define your
a help desk “ help desk”
insertion of F.A.Q. answers
allows multiple live chat
custom attachment types
application. The software
into chats, Supports chat
sessions in real time. Chat
etc. Site
has three primary functions,
archiving, Secure operation
sessions are logged to the
Settings. Email
input new support calls,
capable, Full featured admin
MSQL database, which can be
Settings. Ticket
enter resolutions to
to configure all variables,
later searched for quality
Settings. Attachment
existing support calls,
Admin to search/delete chat
control purposes and
Settings. Admin can view
organize and access old help
knowledgebase like
voting report for
desk calls threw the built
functions. This script is
technician. Admin can set
in knowledge base or
the perfect addition to any
send emails. Admin can
archives. Installation is
help desk, or online sales
add/edit and view
fast and does not require
technicians, can define
any code modification. The
permissions like admin panel
call center software allows
access ,cross technicians
you to choose from ether a
tickets support, assign
M.S. Access or MySQL backend
categories etc. News: you
database, which is used to
can post news from admin
store all the data collected
panel based on permission
in the call center. Minimal
news can be viewed by
configuration is required
for the database setup.
Knowledge base: you can
This software call center
create unlimited knowledge
help desk software is
base with categories and
totally free.

Date: May, 22 2006

Date: Apr, 19 2005

Date: Apr, 22 2004

Date: Apr, 19 2005
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