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Customer Support


GkN Helpdesk

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Help Centric

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Help Desk 6 by Expinion.net

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Hits: 1269
GKNHelpdesk solution that
Help Centric is a
The web based support &
MagicWay HelpDesk comprises
aims evaluating, directing,
comprehensive, flexible, and
knowledgebase solution, for
versatile systems that
tracking, reporting and
portable ... web-based Help
customer service
united provide you with
restoring the customer
Desk System. Automatic
numerous options. HelpDesk
tickets which include
responses to tickets, e-mail
Representatives can save
contains a ticket support
complaints and requests,
notifications, customer
time, share info, and
system, a search system with
strengthens communication
profile matching and a
present a polished image,
a knowledge base, user
between you and your
feature-rich knowledge base
from their online browsers –
system, and an
customer, determines
put Help Centric in a league
inexpensively. * This is
standart techniques to meet
of its own. Common help desk
NOT just a FAQ system or
center. Tickets They
requests and arises the
requests are handled quickly
'chat' software, but a tool
represent the core of our
efficiency of your
using the preset automatic
loaded with features for
whole application. Here
employees. General Features
responses. Help Centric
admin agents and that will
customers can report and
; Unlimited department, user
comes with a Help Ticket
encourage your visitors to
detail problems that they
and support operator.
History and Tracking module.
provide feedback without
may be experiencing. Main
Viewing related solution
There are separate web
feeling intimidated! And
Features Reference
from F.A.Q database before
applications provided for
your business saves time and
numbers assigned Automatic
sending the ticket.
administrators and tech
expenses because the
escalation Customer
Attaching files to tickets.
support staff. Customers
multi-level categories and
history Ticket monitoring:
(internal and external) can
search functions help keep
Customers and Support
MYSQL. GKNHelpdesk does not
open and track their own
your knowledgebase useful
personnel are always able to
require DLL OR ACTIVEX. Free
tickets. Includes a FREE
and informative. (Less
see ticket status A level
FTP setup.
contact manager! In
tickets will be
of expertise can be set for
addition, this help desk
submitted!) * Enable
individual technicians
system interfaces with our
complete communications and
insuring that only qualified
other applications for:
information sharing between
consultants answer certain
Project Management,
your support technicians and
questions Customer
TimeSheets, Calendar and
clients...from anywhere and
features: Open a new
Time Management, CRM and
anytime. (Ticket email
ticket Preview status of
Sales Force Automation,
notifications are sent out
active and resolved tickets
Product Management, Service
automatically in HTML, and
Rate ticket solution
Management, Quote
are customizable. But, you
Management, and Order
can also send emails between
Management. Customizable ASP
agents to keep information
source code. This software
flowing.) * Source code,
install, support &
future upgrade are all
included, for only $145.

Date: Jul, 10 2006

Date: Nov, 02 2006

Date: Feb, 01 2006

Date: Feb, 12 2005
Bring your support department
A customer management package
iHelpDesk is a fully
Liberum Help Desk is a free,
into the 21st century with
for webhosts. This script is
web-based service
web-based application for
Ultimate HelpDesk Suite, a
still in early stages of
request/helpdesk software
managing support requests
feature packed web based
development. It provides a
solution. iHelpDesk
with in a small business or
support application for
management interface for
streamlines communication
organization. It is written
providing technical
webhosts. In development is
between your end users and
in VB Script/HTML and runs
assistance and increasing
the admin backend which will
their service providers by
on Windows NT with IIS.
customer satisfaction by
allow hosts to modify the
eliminating unthreaded
Features: Completely
eliminating unthreaded
choice of servers that
emails, phone calls, and
web-based, Uses Windows NT
emails, phone calls and
clients could be on and
faxes. With an official
authentication, so you don't
faxes. As well as being able
various email types.
place to enter and manage
need to manage another
to track support tickets,
(Currently this must be done
all work requests, users
database of users, Allows
Ultimate HelpDesk Suite
by hand in the Access
will become more self
for better communication
offers live customer
database). You can add
sufficient requiring less
between users and support
support, is a complete
customer name, domain,
assistance from a helpdesk
reps where users can view
billing system, maintains
username, password,
operator. Once implemented,
progress on problems and
your knowledge base and
servername and more.
users will gain confidence
submit additional
enables you to generate
that their work requests
information, Built-in
reports which are all built
will not be lost minimizing
reporting to keep track of
into a sleek user interface
the need for redundant
support reps, which
which your customers and
requests. iHelpDesk will
departments are making
staff will enjoy.
also provide your
requests, and what types of
organization with ticket
problems are being reported,
anaylsis, real-time
Easily customizable to fit
Knowledge Base ( will be
your needs, and more.
added soon ), easy to use

Date: Sep, 14 2005

Date: May, 24 2002

Date: May, 30 2005

Date: Sep, 03 2002
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