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Customer Support


Polar Help Desk

Hits: 575

Help Desk 6 by Expinion.net

Hits: 482
Polar Help Desk is a web
Web based Call Tracking and
The web based support &
TiNSupport provides you with
based solution that helps
Help Desk software that
knowledgebase solution, for
the ability to have
you organize support
helps companies streamline
customer service
one-to-one conversations
department. With its
their support processes and
with many clients. The
features like incident
provide their customers a
Representatives can save
client interfaces with a
management, knowledge base,
higher level of service.
time, share info, and
single support person whilst
email integration, reports
Features include automated
present a polished image,
that support person can be
and user friendly interface
assignments and
from their online browsers –
having several different
it helps you manage your
notifications, automated
inexpensively. * This is
conversations. Features
support department. As a
e-mail alerts, user
NOT just a FAQ system or
of the helpdesk chat
value-added help desk
customizeable interface,
'chat' software, but a tool
application include; 1. HTML
solution, it facilitates
live support chat, creation
loaded with features for
formatting 2. Preformated
your organization to
of tickets from incoming
admin agents and that will
responses 3. The ability to
distribute service and
e-mails, knowledge base,
encourage your visitors to
ban chatters 4. The
support delivery for both
advanced administration
provide feedback without
designation of support
employees and external
console and much more at an
feeling intimidated! And
requests 5. The ability to
customers, while maintaining
incredible price.
your business saves time and
save conversations 6.
centralized control. Key
expenses because the
Multiple skins 7. The
advantages: easily deployed
multi-level categories and
ability to collect and
and configured, extremely
search functions help keep
collate web stats using the
short training period
your knowledgebase useful
content management system.
enabling seamless
and informative. (Less
introduction of new support
tickets will be
staff, flexible licensing
submitted!) * Enable
and pricing models .
complete communications and
Your benefits: incorporate
information sharing between
proven Incident Management
your support technicians and
process based on ITIL and
clients...from anywhere and
best practices procedures,
anytime. (Ticket email
minimize the adverse
notifications are sent out
business impact of incidents
automatically in HTML, and
through faster resolution
are customizable. But, you
enabled with the automated
can also send emails between
support processes, align
agents to keep information
incident management with
flowing.) * Source code,
your business requirements,
install, support &
communication with your
future upgrade are all
customers becomes measurable.
included, for only $145.

Date: Apr, 03 2006

Date: Mar, 22 2006

Date: Feb, 01 2006

Date: Jan, 19 2006
Automated support ticket
ASPTicket is an ASP/ACCESS
Bring your support department
Bring your support department
routing, new XP style menus,
support ticket system
into the 21st century with
into the 21st century with
client selected skins,
designed with the web host
Ultimate HelpDesk Suite, a
Ultimate HelpDesk Billing, a
PayPal integration, and so
in mind. Users can submit
feature packed web based
feature packed web based
much more is available in
tickets listed by priority
support application for
support application for
version 3. ASP email
as well as update them.
providing technical
providing technical
functions are improved with
Ticket management is carried
assistance and increasing
assistance and increasing
single emailing feature to
out through a browser based
customer satisfaction by
customer satisfaction by
ensure email list privacy.
back end.
eliminating unthreaded
eliminating unthreaded
New announcement
emails, phone calls and
emails, phone calls and
functionality with WYSIWYG
faxes. As well as being able
faxes. As well as being able
editor to send out HTML
to track support tickets,
to track support tickets,
announcents and newsletters.
Ultimate HelpDesk Suite
Ultimate HelpDesk Billing
Check out our demo soon!
offers live customer
offers a complete billing
support, is a complete
system, maintains your
billing system, maintains
knowledge base and enables
your knowledge base and
you to generate reports
enables you to generate
which are all built into a
reports which are all built
sleek user interface which
into a sleek user interface
your customers and staff
which your customers and
will enjoy.
staff will enjoy.

Date: Nov, 23 2005

Date: Oct, 11 2005

Date: Sep, 14 2005

Date: Sep, 14 2005
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