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Customer Support


Absolute Live Support

Hits: 862

Active Web Helpdesk

Hits: 198


Hits: 573
Absolute Live Support is a
Active Web Helpdesk is a
ASPTicket is an ASP/ACCESS
This free software is used to
Complete eCRM Live customer
web-based helpdesk manager.
support ticket system
quickly log trouble ticket
support Help Desk system.
It provides a personalized
designed with the web host
calls. It is designed to be
Increase your sales by
customer support system, a
in mind. Users can submit
used as a call center but
providing live customer
searchable and categorized
tickets listed by priority
also could easily be used as
support on your site. This
FAQ database, assign a
as well as update them.
a help desk “ help desk”
is not a hosted application,
technician per category and
Ticket management is carried
application. The software
Absolute Live Support runs
more. The source code with
out through a browser based
has three primary functions,
under your own domain on
Access or MS SQL database is
back end.
input new support calls,
your own site. Developed
enter resolutions to
using 100% pure ASP code,
existing support calls,
there are No DLLs to
organize and access old help
install, It supports Access
desk calls threw the built
and SQL Server
in knowledge base or
databases,unlimited users
archives. Installation is
and departments (get your
fast and does not require
whole staff to work with the
any code modification. The
system), visitor tracking
call center software allows
and proactive chat (invite
you to choose from ether a
to chat), canned commands,
M.S. Access or MySQL backend
detailed stats and much more
database, which is used to
(Also available in ASP.NET).
store all the data collected
in the call center. Minimal
configuration is required
for the database setup.
This software call center
help desk software is
totally free.

Date: May, 27 2006

Date: Dec, 11 2000

Date: Oct, 11 2005

Date: Apr, 19 2005
Automated support ticket
eu Help Desk is designed to
Supports multiple support
Well documented open source
routing, new XP style menus,
help you cope with
persons to answer questions,
CRM software package to do
client selected skins,
overwhelming customer
Supports simutaneous
just about everything!
PayPal integration, and so
support issues. It allows
converstions in multiple
It's 100%, easy to install
much more is available in
you to save time while
windows, Quick click
and can be up and running in
version 3. ASP email
allowing your
insertion of F.A.Q. answers
functions are improved with
customers/visitors to find
into chats, Supports chat
single emailing feature to
answers that they need. You
archiving, Secure operation
ensure email list privacy.
have the ability to
capable, Full featured admin
New announcement
prioritize support issues in
to configure all variables,
functionality with WYSIWYG
any order, assign them to
Admin to search/delete chat
editor to send out HTML
representatives create
announcents and newsletters.
relations between individual
Check out our demo soon!

Date: Nov, 23 2005

Date: Nov, 25 2002

Date: Apr, 22 2004

Date: Oct, 21 2006
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