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Faith Converter

Hits: 339

Five Essential Essays (pdf)

Hits: 506

Free Baby Boomer Bible Browser

Hits: 63

Free Bible InterFaith Explorer

Hits: 521
Converts religious texts
The true conceptions of
An elegantly simple, free,
A free Bible and InterFaith
between 29 faiths.
Caitanya Mahaprabhu and the
Bible tool for Baby Boomers
Explorer tool. Includes a
Gosvamis and whom began this
who want a few big buttons,
very easy to use interface
Krsna Consciousness
big text and easy to use
great for anyone wishing to
preaching mission. Today
features. English and
quickly look up a passage in
this Pure Truth is available
Spanish Bibles included. You
the Bible or work with
in every country in the
can add your own Bibles such
InterFaith studies.
as the NIV Bible.

Date: Dec, 28 2005

Date: Apr, 08 2006

Date: Dec, 14 2006

Date: Dec, 14 2006
Put all of your Bible study
A cool and trendy, free,
This software sends Healing,
Gopa Kumar is approached by
material into one convenient
Bible tool for teens who
Wisdom, Love For all the
Narada Rsi, whom becomes his
location. Search quickly on
want a few hip buttons,
siksa guru or instructing
those resources related to a
stylish text and easy to use
spiritual master and
topic you are studying.
features. English and
enlightens him with the
Import sermons, talks,
Spanish Bibles included. You
truth necessary to complete
online research, essays etc.
can add your own Bibles such
his spiritual journey and
1 click search of your
as the NIV Bible.
thereby attain the
entire library, or just
fulfilment of his long
parts of it.
cherished desire.

Date: Dec, 14 2006

Date: Dec, 14 2006

Date: Sep, 30 2006

Date: Apr, 08 2006
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