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Salaat Time

Hits: 494

Scripture on Art

Hits: 484


Hits: 49

Shamans Notebook

Hits: 217
Salaat Time is a FREE
Create personalized Christian
SetPicker is software
Shamans Notebook is a PC
multi-function Islamic
gifts with Scripture on Art.
designed to make the Worship
application that allows you
application that calculates
Windows based software for
Leader's task of
to store shamanic journeys,
the prescribed five daily
the Christian entrepreneur
administering worship much
healings and workshops. It
Muslim prayer times as well
or ministry. Imagine being
simpler and more
has an easy to use
as Qiblah direction for
able to place any verse from
coordinated. SetPicker
interface, filtering and
anywhere in the world. At
the Bible on beautiful
features: Set Writing,
printing support.
the prescribed times the
Christian art backgrounds
Worship Team Scheduling,
Athan will sound and/or
with personalization.
Song Managment, CCLI
display visual alerts.
reporting and more!

Date: Mar, 08 2007

Date: Jan, 02 2006

Date: Nov, 30 2005

Date: Aug, 14 2006
Collected into this book are
This great book is a
While taking Harinama,
Here one will find the
several confidential hints
description of the nature of
chanting, and calling out
collected essence of all
about devotional service.
uttama bhakti, its
these verses, will increase
Vaisnava scripture,
Bhaktivinoda Thakura was
divisions, saddhana bhakti,
the ananda, bliss, in
including the Vedas, the
constantly reciting and
the stages in the
chanting. This compilation
Puranas, Bhagavad gita and
relishing verses such as the
development of prema, love,
of verses is known as bhakti
Srimad Bhagavatam. Sriman
ones in this book, and
the angas of bhajana,
rasayana, or the nectar
Mahaprabhu had this great
becoming overwhelmed with
offences committed in the
tonic of bhakti rasa.
literature copied carefully,
love of God.
performance of devotional
and brought it back with Him
service, sevaparadha,
to Jagannatha Puri.

Date: Mar, 29 2006

Date: Mar, 29 2006

Date: Mar, 29 2006

Date: Mar, 29 2006
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