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Chaitanya Bhagavata (ebook)

Hits: 780

Church Secretary 32

Hits: 65

Daily Bible and Prayer

Hits: 321
The Sri Caitanya Bhagavata of
This latest version of Church
Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura
Daily Bible and Prayer
Srila Vrndavana dasa Thakura
Secretary 32 7.0 has a
used to do bhajana, because
features Bible reading
is a central work of Gaudiya
redesigned interface and
his eyes were not like ours.
plans, daily devotional, and
Vaisnavism wherein the life
improved report engine.
Our eyes can only see the
prayer tracker. The Bible
and teaching of Sri Krishna
Easily record, update and
material world, but Srila
reading plan will get you
Chaitanya Mahaprabhu are
report on church membership
Prabhupadas eyes were
through the Bible in a year,
their attendance and giving.
transcendental, and he could
a daily devotional gives you
Now includes integrated
see the unmanifest,
an edifying message every
backup and restore. Many
spiritual world as well.
day. Also includes a prayer

Date: Apr, 05 2006

Date: Dec, 19 2004

Date: Apr, 06 2006

Date: Feb, 26 2006
Easy Church Membership is to
Anyone who trains the mind to
All churches need a way to
Document as much information
maintain a database of
turn from matter to the
maintain attendance for
as you need concerning each
church members, all tithes
spiritual form of the
their small group Bible
prospect and their family.
and giving, ministry
Godhead by performance of
studies, or Sunday School
Print out a data sheet for
membership, administrative
bhakti-yoga can easily
classes. Easy Sunday School
each prospect to use a
committees, small group
attain the kingdom of God in
Administrator is the program
reference and to maintain
Bible study groups, and
the anti material sky.
to maintain class members,
information. Record the
spiritual gifts. Plus a
and member attendance
results of each visit to use
prayer list, church
as a reference for the next
calendar, and staff calendar.

Date: Dec, 22 2006

Date: Apr, 06 2006

Date: Sep, 23 2006

Date: Nov, 22 2005
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