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Sri Brhad-Bhagavatamrta (pdf)

Hits: 431

Sri Gaudiya Gita Guccha (pdf)

Hits: 348

Sri Gita Govinda (pdf)

Hits: 744

Sri Harinam Mahamantra (pdf)

Hits: 345
The Story of parivrajaka, who
An unprecedented collection
Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu
By His causeless mercy Sri
refuses the comforts of a
of devotional songs, with
relishing the moods of Sri
Krsna appears in the form of
permanent residence and
English Translations in
Gita Govinda its glories
nama to deliver the
constantly wanders in search
Sanskrit, Bengali and Hindi,
became manifest for the
conditioned souls. One who
of the essence of life, and
written by the Gaudiya
whole world. Explained by
is most fortunate takes
Narada Rsi whom searches for
Vaisnava acaryas and
Bhaktivedanta Narayana
diksa, spiritial initiation
the foremost recipient of
compiled for the practicing
Maharaja though only rare
in the Sri hari nama maha
Sri Krsnas mercy, and
devotees in this world can
mantra from a bona fide guru
approaches various exalted
understand it, and it is for
who himself is constantly
their benefit.

Date: Mar, 29 2006

Date: Mar, 29 2006

Date: Mar, 29 2006

Date: Mar, 29 2006
The most popular book of the
Instructions to the mind by
Map of Sri Gauda mandala, Sri
An important aspect of
ancient World. Five thousand
Raghunatha Dasa, the eternal
Krishna and Sri Gauranga
devotional practice,
years ago this book was
associate of Gauranga, in
comprise an identical
observing the festival days
studied all over the world.
concise manner he has
spiritual principle, tattva.
outlined in the Vaisnava
Concealed for centuries in
surcharged these eleven
Sri Krishnas abode, Sri
calendar. Bhaktivedanta
the Sanskrit language of
verses with the teachings of
Vrindavana dhama, is
Narayana Maharaja speaks on
India, Sri Isopanisad, the
Gaurasundara, the prema,
similarly identical in all
appropriate topic on these
ancient spiritual lawbook of
love, intoxicated embodiment
respects to Sri Gaurangas
days, such as the appearance
of the combined forms of
abode, Sri Navadvipa dhama.
day of an incarnation of God.
Radha Krsna.

Date: Apr, 07 2006

Date: Mar, 29 2006

Date: Mar, 29 2006

Date: Mar, 29 2006
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