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Guru-Devatatma (pdf)

Hits: 71

Hari Kathamrta Vol.1 (pdf)

Hits: 431

Jaiva Dharma (pdf)

Hits: 446
A discussion of spiritual
The futility of material
The spiritual master is He
The groundbreaking spiritual
subject matters based on the
enjoyment, everyone wants to
who makes us realise our
novel by Srila Bhaktivinoda
subject of guru tattva,
be happy, but generally we
true position. He is said to
Thakura Jaiva dharma reveals
spiritual master, with
can find only a little
be an ocean of mercy. The
the ultimate development on
questions and answers.
happiness and affection in
transcendental pastimes here
the path of pure devotion to
Accepting the Spiritual
this world.. Are we really
are the life giving elixirs
the English speaking world.
Master as Ones Life and
this body, or the soul
for anyone on the path of
Soul, Srila Bhaktivedanta
within the body.
devotion to God, given here
Narayana Maharaja speaks on
by Srila Narayana Maharaja.
this subject.

Date: Apr, 08 2006

Date: Apr, 08 2006

Date: Apr, 08 2006

Date: Apr, 06 2006
This Trilogy describes the
This booklet has seventeen
Look up any Bible verse on
Apparitions of the Virgin
pastimes of Krishna on this
previously unpublished
your Mac instantly! Simply
Mary in Medjugorje and her
planet 5,000 years ago.
letters written by A.C
type or cut and paste any
Messages to the World. Since
Based on the Srimad
Bhaktivedanta Swami
scripture reference and
1981, the Virgin Mary has
Bhagavatam and written by
Prabhupada to Narayana
instantly see the entire
been appearing to 6
A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami
Maharaja during his first
verse. Easier than grabbing
witnesses giving them
years in America, who
your Bible off the shelf,
heavenly messages. Includes
propagated in the Hare
faster than going to Bible
Search, Save, Bookmarks, and
Krishna Mission of Gauranga
Gateway, and best of all -
Notes. No Setup & No
it's free!
Registration required.

Date: Apr, 03 2006

Date: Apr, 06 2006

Date: Jul, 12 2006

Date: Feb, 17 2007
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