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The Origin of Ratha Yatra (pdf)

Hits: 167

Sri Prabandhavali (pdf)

Hits: 67

Sri Harinam Mahamantra (pdf)

Hits: 345
Gaining liberation from the
Ratha Yatra, or the Cart
An important aspect of
By His causeless mercy Sri
law of karma, and achieving
Festival of Lord Jagganatha.
devotional practice,
Krsna appears in the form of
super consciousness. In the
Rare that one possesses the
observing the festival days
nama to deliver the
interviews, lectures,
good fortune to hear all
outlined in the Vaisnava
conditioned souls. One who
essays, and letters chosen
these truths. A hundred
calendar. Bhaktivedanta
is most fortunate takes
for this book, His Divine
thousandth part of the
Narayana Maharaja speaks on
diksa, spiritial initiation
Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta
teaching of Sri Caitanya
appropriate topic on these
in the Sri hari nama maha
Swami Prabhupada speaks with
Mahaprabhu, makes your life
days, such as the appearance
mantra from a bona fide guru
startling clarity and power.
successful and inspire you.
day of an incarnation of God.
who himself is constantly

Date: Apr, 03 2006

Date: Mar, 29 2006

Date: Mar, 29 2006

Date: Mar, 29 2006
Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu
Here one will find the
This great book is a
Map of Sri Gauda mandala, Sri
relishing the moods of Sri
collected essence of all
description of the nature of
Krishna and Sri Gauranga
Gita Govinda its glories
Vaisnava scripture,
uttama bhakti, its
comprise an identical
became manifest for the
including the Vedas, the
divisions, saddhana bhakti,
spiritual principle, tattva.
whole world. Explained by
Puranas, Bhagavad gita and
the stages in the
Sri Krishnas abode, Sri
Bhaktivedanta Narayana
Srimad Bhagavatam. Sriman
development of prema, love,
Vrindavana dhama, is
Maharaja though only rare
Mahaprabhu had this great
the angas of bhajana,
similarly identical in all
devotees in this world can
literature copied carefully,
offences committed in the
respects to Sri Gaurangas
understand it, and it is for
and brought it back with Him
performance of devotional
abode, Sri Navadvipa dhama.
their benefit.
to Jagannatha Puri.
service, sevaparadha,

Date: Mar, 29 2006

Date: Mar, 29 2006

Date: Mar, 29 2006

Date: Mar, 29 2006
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