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Daily Bible and Prayer

Hits: 320

PresbyCal Desktop Calendar

Hits: 538

Scripture on Art

Hits: 484

Faith Converter

Hits: 339
Daily Bible and Prayer
PresbyCal Desktop Calendar
Create personalized Christian
Converts religious texts
features Bible reading
is a full-featured calendar
gifts with Scripture on Art.
between 29 faiths.
plans, daily devotional, and
and event scheduling
Windows based software for
prayer tracker. The Bible
application based on the
the Christian entrepreneur
reading plan will get you
liturgical seasons of the
or ministry. Imagine being
through the Bible in a year,
Christian church year. It
able to place any verse from
a daily devotional gives you
includes an onscreen
the Bible on beautiful
an edifying message every
calendar that integrates
Christian art backgrounds
day. Also includes a prayer
into your desktop wallpaper.
with personalization.

Date: Feb, 26 2006

Date: Feb, 06 2006

Date: Jan, 02 2006

Date: Dec, 28 2005
SetPicker is software
Document as much information
30 Free fully licensed
T-Minus Easter Countdown
designed to make the Worship
as you need concerning each
Christian templates from the
Clock. Waiting for the
Leader's task of
prospect and their family.
acclaimed Powerbacks
Easter Bunny? Planning a
administering worship much
Print out a data sheet for
collection. 1024 x 768
special family get-together?
simpler and more
each prospect to use a
pixels in both pot and jpg
Now you can count down the
coordinated. SetPicker
reference and to maintain
formats, compatible with
time to this special holiday.
features: Set Writing,
information. Record the
PowerPoint 2000-2004.
Worship Team Scheduling,
results of each visit to use
Powerbacks covers many
Song Managment, CCLI
as a reference for the next
varied topics and characters
reporting and more!
in addition to basic themes.

Date: Nov, 30 2005

Date: Nov, 22 2005

Date: Nov, 01 2005

Date: Sep, 20 2005
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