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Verse Popper

Hits: 511

Easy Church Membership

Hits: 620


Hits: 327
Basically the "Verse Popper"
Easy Church Membership is to
BiblePro includes 1.75
Put all of your Bible study
displays (pops up) bible
maintain a database of
million verse links, 250,000
material into one convenient
verses in the lower right
church members, all tithes
commentaries, 43 bibles,
location. Search quickly on
hand corner of your PC
and giving, ministry
more than 100 maps, and an
those resources related to a
screen at configurable
membership, administrative
interface with free updates
topic you are studying.
intervals. Currently the
committees, small group
for life. BiblePro uses the
Import sermons, talks,
verse selection is random
Bible study groups, and
same buttons, tools, look,
online research, essays etc.
but I plan on adding many
spiritual gifts. Plus a
and feel of Microsoft Word
1 click search of your
different options.
prayer list, church
and Outlook.
entire library, or just
calendar, and staff calendar.
parts of it.

Date: Jan, 01 2007

Date: Dec, 22 2006

Date: Dec, 14 2006

Date: Dec, 14 2006
A cool and trendy, free,
An elegantly simple, free,
With Ace Bible Explorer you
A free Bible and InterFaith
Bible tool for teens who
Bible tool for Baby Boomers
can explore more than a
Explorer tool. Includes a
want a few hip buttons,
who want a few big buttons,
dozen Bibles and
very easy to use interface
stylish text and easy to use
big text and easy to use
commentaries with special
great for anyone wishing to
features. English and
features. English and
Bible research tools,
quickly look up a passage in
Spanish Bibles included. You
Spanish Bibles included. You
including dictionaries,
the Bible or work with
can add your own Bibles such
can add your own Bibles such
thesauri, guides, queries,
InterFaith studies.
as the NIV Bible.
as the NIV Bible.
topic organizers,
verse-by-verse comparing, a
red-letter highlighter, a
personal v

Date: Dec, 14 2006

Date: Dec, 14 2006

Date: Dec, 14 2006

Date: Dec, 14 2006
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