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Bhagavad gita As It Is (ebook)

Hits: 345

Guru-Devatatma (pdf)

Hits: 71

Hari Kathamrta Vol.1 (pdf)

Hits: 430

Five Essential Essays (pdf)

Hits: 506
Bhagavad gita is knowledge of
A discussion of spiritual
The spiritual master is He
The true conceptions of
five basic truths, Krishna,
subject matters based on the
who makes us realise our
Caitanya Mahaprabhu and the
or God, the individual soul,
subject of guru tattva,
true position. He is said to
Gosvamis and whom began this
the material world, action
spiritual master, with
be an ocean of mercy. The
Krsna Consciousness
in this world, and time. The
questions and answers.
transcendental pastimes here
preaching mission. Today
Gita lucidly explains the
Accepting the Spiritual
are the life giving elixirs
this Pure Truth is available
nature of consciousness, the
Master as Ones Life and
for anyone on the path of
in every country in the
self, and the universe.
Soul, Srila Bhaktivedanta
devotion to God, given here
Narayana Maharaja speaks on
by Srila Narayana Maharaja.
this subject.

Date: Apr, 21 2006

Date: Apr, 08 2006

Date: Apr, 08 2006

Date: Apr, 08 2006
The futility of material
Gopa Kumar is approached by
The most popular book of the
A search for meaning carries
enjoyment, everyone wants to
Narada Rsi, whom becomes his
ancient World. Five thousand
a young American Peace Corps
be happy, but generally we
siksa guru or instructing
years ago this book was
worker halfway around the
can find only a little
spiritual master and
studied all over the world.
world, to an ancient city in
happiness and affection in
enlightens him with the
Concealed for centuries in
the midst of West Bengal.
this world.. Are we really
truth necessary to complete
the Sanskrit language of
There, in a small bamboo
this body, or the soul
his spiritual journey and
India, Sri Isopanisad, the
house in the holy land of
within the body.
thereby attain the
ancient spiritual lawbook of
fulfilment of his long
cherished desire.

Date: Apr, 08 2006

Date: Apr, 08 2006

Date: Apr, 07 2006

Date: Apr, 07 2006
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