A free Bible and InterFaith
A fun way for children (and
Basically the "Verse Popper"
The true conceptions of
Explorer tool. Includes a
adults) to learn the books
displays (pops up) bible
Caitanya Mahaprabhu and the
very easy to use interface
of the Bible. Covers both
verses in the lower right
Gosvamis and whom began this
great for anyone wishing to
the old and new testaments.
hand corner of your PC
Krsna Consciousness
quickly look up a passage in
Easy and hard levels. Has
screen at configurable
preaching mission. Today
the Bible or work with
12 different animated
intervals. Currently the
this Pure Truth is available
InterFaith studies.
verse selection is random
in every country in the
but I plan on adding many
different options.
Date: Dec, 14 2006 Date: Aug, 30 2000 Date: Jan, 01 2007 Date: Apr, 08 2006 |
Salaat Time is a FREE
Create personalized Christian
Clearing up the confusion,
The Holy Bible - New
multi-function Islamic
gifts with Scripture on Art.
some persons claim there are
Testament Features include
application that calculates
Windows based software for
differences in the
Read, Scroll, Search, Save
the prescribed five daily
the Christian entrepreneur
conclusions taught by
Search, Bookmarks, Quick
Muslim prayer times as well
or ministry. Imagine being
Bhaktivedanta Narayana
Books & Chapters
as Qiblah direction for
able to place any verse from
Maharaja and A.C.
Selections, MarkUp, Export
anywhere in the world. At
the Bible on beautiful
Bhaktivedanta Swami
to Html or Text Files,
the prescribed times the
Christian art backgrounds
Prabhupada, of Iskcon. These
Notes. Designed for fast
Athan will sound and/or
with personalization.
are authoritative responses
Download and e-mail. No
display visual alerts.
of many the objections.
Setup & No Registration
Date: Mar, 08 2007 Date: Jan, 02 2006 Date: Mar, 29 2006 Date: Feb, 27 2007 |