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Math & Scientific Tools


WebCab Functions for .NET

Hits: 1548

WebCab Functions for Delphi

Hits: 275

WebCab Functions (J2EE Edition)

Hits: 536

Scientific Advantage Calculator

Hits: 504
Add refined numerical
Add refined numerical
This EJB Suite offers refined
Scientific Advantage™ is a
procedures to either
procedures to either
numerical procedures to
Unit Aware™ calculator
construct a function of one
construct a function of one
either construct a function
that lets you work with
or two variables from a set
or two variables from a set
of one or two variables from
of points (i.e.
of points (i.e.
a set of points (i.e.
dimensional values and
interpolate), or solve an
interpolate), or solve an
interpolate), or solve an
includes advanced math
equation of one variable; to
equation of one variable; to
equation of one variable.
functions, automatic
your .NET, COM and XML Web
your .NET, COM and XML Web
solvers, and much more.
service Applications.
service Applications. Delphi
3-8 & 2005 are supported

Date: Oct, 04 2004

Date: Oct, 04 2004

Date: Oct, 04 2004

Date: Sep, 28 2004
Chemical Reagent Calculator
IQ Power is the scientific
NLREG performs nonlinear
WMD SWAG quickly analyzes
is a usefull tool to assist
approach to intelligence
regression and curve
your observations at a
laboratory staff in
testing that excludes prior
fitting. NLREG fits a
disaster site and provides a
preparing Molar, Anydrous
problem solving knowledge by
mathematical function whose
fast, scientific guess of
& percentage solutions.
making the method freely
form you specify to a set of
which agents of mass
available to the examinee.
data values. Virtually any
destruction are most likely
The test focuses on the
type of function can be
involved. Just mark
depth and breadth of
checkboxes beside any
complexity that the examinee
conditions you observe in
can solve to.
the field, then view results.

Date: Sep, 20 2004

Date: Aug, 29 2004

Date: Aug, 25 2004

Date: Aug, 22 2004
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