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Math & Scientific Tools


Unscrambler Online

Hits: 440


Hits: 145


Hits: 115


Hits: 700
The Unscrambler Online
VIGraph It draws a
- Real-time weather data from
Data extraction from a
enables full utilization of
diagramms from your txt-data
7000 stations all around the
graphical image where the
PLS-R and PCR models for
files. It scales your
world. - Diagramms for
data used to produce that
prediction, PLS-R, PCR and
diagramms automatically or
weather data. - History of
image is unavailable.
PCA for classification. The
manually. You can open as
weather data for the past 1
Provides tools overlaying
use of Unscrambler Online
much txt-files as you need
- 60 hours. - USA or
the image to extract graph
results in effective
simultaneously. Columns in
European style. - Frendly
values, distances, areas,
application of multivariate
the txt-files can be divided
user interface.
angles, or color values.
statistical approaches in
by commas, tabulators or
Values can be saved to XLS
process and quality control,
or TXT files.
research and development.

Date: Dec, 17 2006

Date: Jul, 28 2005

Date: Sep, 22 2005

Date: Jun, 24 2006
This EJB Suite offers refined
This Java class library
Add refined numerical
Add refined numerical
numerical procedures to
offers refined numerical
procedures to either
procedures to either
either construct a function
procedures to either
construct a function of one
construct a function of one
of one or two variables from
construct a function of one
or two variables from a set
or two variables from a set
a set of points (i.e.
or two variables from a set
of points (i.e.
of points (i.e.
interpolate), or solve an
of points (i.e.
interpolate), or solve an
interpolate), or solve an
equation of one variable.
interpolate), or solve an
equation of one variable; to
equation of one variable; to
equation of one variable.
your .NET, COM and XML Web
your .NET, COM and XML Web
service Applications.
service Applications. Delphi
3-8 & 2005 are supported

Date: Oct, 04 2004

Date: Oct, 04 2004

Date: Oct, 04 2004

Date: Oct, 04 2004
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