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Math & Scientific Tools



Hits: 132


Hits: 520

StatPlus 2006

Hits: 861

Survey Power

Hits: 581
Easy to use desktop analysis
statistiXL is a powerful data
StatPlus 2006 is a powerful
Survey software with
tool that simplifies common
analysis add-in for MS
and flexible software
statistics, frequency,
statistical calculations and
Excel. Its abilities
solution that processes data
thematic map and cross
also allows quick analysis
include: ANOVA, Contingency
to perform statistical
tabulation analysis. Create
of raw data whether you
Tables, Clustering,
analysis. Free update to
custom HTML online surveys
enter it yourself, use a
Correlation, Discriminant
2007 included!
with validation. Create
spreadsheet, or maintain a
and Factor Analysis, GOF,
printed surveys. Twelve data
Regression, Nonparametrics,
export formats. Analyze and
PCA, Uni and Multivariate
create survey reports with
t-Tests and many more.
multi-color charts.

Date: Dec, 19 2004

Date: Apr, 12 2006

Date: Feb, 18 2007

Date: Aug, 30 2006
Powerful and affordable
Complete software package for
Units conversions for
Unit Converter for Excel is
hydraulic calculations
Multivariate Data Analysis
scientist and engineers, 33
an addin for the Microsoft
software for automatic fire
and Experimental Design. The
categories, enter individual
Excel to perform various
sprinkler systems. TSHC has
Unscrambler`s Principal
parts to calculate compound
conversions between many
all the features you need to
Components Analysis (PCA),
units, built-in scientific
types of measurement units.
efficiently enter system
Partial Least Squares
calculator, import and
data, evaluate and analyze
Regression (PLSR) analysis
export to and from
results, and produce
and three-way PLS regression
clipboard, save and recall
professional hydraulic
capabilities are
common conversions, lookup
calculation reports.
unknown units

Date: Jan, 28 2007

Date: May, 12 2006

Date: Apr, 10 2006

Date: Feb, 15 2006
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