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Math & Scientific Tools


Psychrometric + Duct Calculator

Hits: 1318

Quality Window v5.0.712

Hits: 145


Hits: 1336
HVAC Tool with Psychrometric
An SQC/SPC/Event Analysis
The Multiple Regression
RetainWall is a software
Chart and Duct Calculator
tool designed for use on the
Analysis and Forecasting
mainly designed for the
factory floor. The intuitive
template provides a solid
purpose of designing a
data presentation helps
basis for identifying value
concrete or masonry
"find and fix" reasons for
drivers and forecasting
retaining wall. The wall
process/product variation as
business plan data. Advanced
may retain soil or other
well as in the analysis and
statistical tests performed
granular material.
understanding of failures
include significance, auto
such as downtime and defects.
correlation, and multi

Date: Mar, 20 2007

Date: Oct, 30 2006

Date: Dec, 01 2006

Date: Apr, 01 2007
Ribbit is a little program
RVal helps you select the
The power of a professional
Scientific Advantage™ is a
that lets you use LaTeX in
best pairs of values to
regression package with the
Unit Aware™ calculator
word processors such as
produce a given ratio,
ease and comfort of a
that lets you work with
Microsoft® Word. Ribbit
difference, or connect in
Microsoft® Excel interface.
makes sure that the math you
series or parallel to
Features include:
dimensional values and
enter looks good, prints
produce an exact value. It
qualitative data,
includes advanced math
pretty, and plays nice with
will find the nearest
interactive custom modeling,
functions, automatic
the rest of the text.
preferred value or the one
stepwise regression, robust
solvers, and much more.
Integrates with Word.
required in parallel with an
regression, and more.
existing value.

Date: Dec, 24 2006

Date: Jul, 06 2004

Date: Jul, 05 2005

Date: Sep, 28 2004
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