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Math & Scientific Tools


MedCalc Statistical Software

Hits: 317

DreamCalc Graphing Calculator

Hits: 535

DreamCalc Scientific Calculator

Hits: 835

OneCable.net - Explorer

Hits: 425
Statistical software for
DreamCalc Graphing Edition is
DreamCalc Scientific Edition
SMS-X10-PC-remote control and
biomedical research, also
the smarter alternative to a
is the smarter alternative
data logger for GSM data,
including ROC curve
hand-held Graphing
to a hand-held Scientific
xls export, integr. Web
analysis, method comparison
Calculator for your PC or
Calculator for your PC or
server. S0-Counter
and quality control tools.
laptop! You'll get the
laptop! You'll get the
Energy-Monitor With licensed
Certified for Windows Vista.
intuitive feel and
intuitive feel and
mobile phones: Program start
productivity of using a
productivity of using a
by SMS, SMS with measured
professional hand-held, but
professional hand-held, but
values, email on limits,
one which adapts to your way
one which adapts to your way
webcam-support, I/O-Support
of working.
of working.
for Intronico

Date: Mar, 07 2007

Date: Feb, 28 2007

Date: Feb, 28 2007

Date: Feb, 26 2007
FC-Win (tm) is a front-end
Thanks to its unique data
NeuroSolutions is a highly
Supports image analysis
program for Fortran Calculus
processing engine, you will
graphical neural network
functions: angle, distance,
(tm). The Fortran Calculus
overcome major classic
development tool for
perimeter, area, point and
(FC) language is for
multi-dimensional tools
Windows. It is a virtually
line measurements. Includes
math modeling, simulation,
limitations Cross-analyse
unconstrained environment
curve fitting, pixel
and optimization. FC is
any variable to leverage
for designing neural
profile, array/band
based on Automatic
drastically analytical
networks for research or to
analyzer, finding objects,
Differentiation that
potentials No IT
solve real-world problems.
and histogram with
simplifies computer code to
intervention to define axes
an absolute minimum.
of analysis

Date: Feb, 24 2007

Date: Feb, 20 2007

Date: Feb, 20 2007

Date: Feb, 19 2007
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