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Math & Scientific Tools



Hits: 145

DesignWorks P

Hits: 1021


Hits: 125
DTREG is a powerful
DesignWorks Professional 4
RVal helps you select the
Sheet metal for AutoCAD. It
statistical analysis program
offers you the best user
best pairs of values to
calculates flat (unfolded)
that generates
interface, bar none, for
produce a given ratio,
sheet development of ducts,
classification and
schematic capture.
difference, or connect in
rectangle to ound
regression decision trees
series or parallel to
transitions, cylinders,
that model data and can be
produce an exact value. It
cones, intersections,
used to predict values.
will find the nearest
connections, bifurcations,
Single-tree, TreeBoost and
preferred value or the one
elbows, etc. For HVAC,
Decision tree Models can be
required in parallel with an
hoppers, cyclones, ducts,
existing value.
silos, piping, etc.

Date: Aug, 10 2004

Date: Aug, 09 2004

Date: Jul, 06 2004

Date: Jun, 24 2004
Cresotech CONVERT-IT is a
ConvertEasy is a simple to
Thermo's GRAMS Spectroscopy
convenient Pocket PC based
use, but fully configurable,
Software Suite is the
tool to convert different
conversion program. At the
premier solution for
measuring system units into
drag of a slider it can
visualizing, processing and
each other, and much more!
convert between any two
managing spectroscopy data
scales that have a linear
offering broad compatibility
with many different
instrument data types and a
simple user interface.

Date: Apr, 07 2004

Date: Jan, 19 2004

Date: Jul, 19 2002
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