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Math & Scientific Tools


SEVENPAR (Deutsch)

Hits: 747

SEVENPAR (English)

Hits: 427


Hits: 520
Randomly shuffle Excel cells,
The program produces a set
The program produces a set
The perfect add-on for any
entire rows, or entire
with seven parameters of the
with seven parameters of the
spreadsheet. Clarity
columns. Sorting is done
sapatial Helmert
sapatial Helmert
provides 14 powerful but
quickly and at complete
transformation valid for an
transformation valid for an
easy to use analytical tools
specific area, with which
specific area, with which
for anyone using a
then arbitrary coordinates
then arbitrary coordinates
spreadsheet. Simply copy
of the area can be
of the area can be
the data and click
transformed from one
transformed from one
“Capture Data” in
reference system into
reference system into
Clarity to begin your
another with high accuracy.
another with high accuracy.

Date: Jan, 17 2007

Date: Jan, 15 2007

Date: Jan, 15 2007

Date: Jan, 07 2007
A unique pattern recognition
.NET Chart Designer is
AutoTRAX EDA is a powerful
Ribbit is a little program
application that deals with
comprehensive charting
multiplatform integrated
that lets you use LaTeX in
finding optimal solutions to
application that supports
Electronic Design Suite for
word processors such as
classification problems and
more then 40 chart types in
Electronic Engineers. It has
Microsoft® Word. Ribbit
uses several artificial
multiple modes, meaning that
all the features you expect
makes sure that the math you
intelligence techniques
literally hundreds of
and need to rapidly and
enter looks good, prints
including neural networks,
different styles and types
easily take your design from
pretty, and plays nice with
genetic programming and
are available for users.
conception through to
the rest of the text.
genetic algorithms.
Integrates with Word.

Date: Jan, 06 2007

Date: Jan, 05 2007

Date: Jan, 04 2007

Date: Dec, 24 2006
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