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Unscrambler Online

Hits: 440

Match n Freq

Hits: 723
The Unscrambler Online
Pulse shaping filter program
The Multiple Regression
Statistical Analysis and
enables full utilization of
that finds the pole-zero
Analysis and Forecasting
Inference Software for
PLS-R and PCR models for
locations of a transfer
template provides a solid
Windows with Average, Mode
prediction, PLS-R, PCR and
function, H(s), for a
basis for identifying value
and Variance through to
PCA for classification. The
matched filter.
drivers and forecasting
Hypothesis Analysis, Time
use of Unscrambler Online
H(s) equals a -desired-
business plan data. Advanced
Series and Linear
results in effective
signal (Yout) divided by a
statistical tests performed
Regression. Includes Online
application of multivariate
given input signal (Yin).
include significance, auto
Help, Tutorials, Graphs,
statistical approaches in
Y's are in freq. A
correlation, and multi
Summaries, Import/Export and
process and quality control,
Fortran Calculus demo
much more.
research and development.

Date: Dec, 17 2006

Date: Dec, 07 2006

Date: Dec, 01 2006

Date: Nov, 16 2006
Source code for fast training
Source code for training of
Simulation tool for automatic
An SQC/SPC/Event Analysis
of multilayer perceptron
multilayer perceptron for
control systems in the time
tool designed for use on the
classifier. Data files
approximation. Data files
and frequency domain based
factory floor. The intuitive
included. Source code for
included. Source code for
on the idea of block
data presentation helps
applying the trained
applying the trained
diagrams. Full visual block
"find and fix" reasons for
network. Resulting networks
network. Resulting networks
diagram editor. Simulation
process/product variation as
can be pruned by
can be pruned by NuMap7.06.
results are displayed in
well as in the analysis and
NuClass7.06. For winzip
For winzip password:
diagrams and data tables.
understanding of failures
More than 90 basic function
such as downtime and defects.

Date: Nov, 11 2006

Date: Nov, 11 2006

Date: Nov, 08 2006

Date: Oct, 30 2006
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