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SourceGuardian 7 PHP Encoder

Hits: 446


Hits: 196

Tavrida PHP Editor

Hits: 759
PHP developers have always
SourceGuardian 7 PHP Encoder
SSEditor integrated the
Tavrida PHP Editor is a
been reluctant in
is the ultimate protection
PHP/PERL script editor with
Delphi-like application
distributing their
solution for your PHP
a executing environment in a
for writing Web sites with
developments. SourceCop for
scripts. Version 7.0
simple user interface. Just
PHP and database support
PHP is a Windows based
introduces a host of new and
need one step configuration,
and testing them on a
application, developed to
enhanced features.
don't have to configuring a
built-in Web server. Main
encrypt your PHP code so
SourceGuardian has become an
complex web service in your
features: - Delphi(C++
that you can distribute it,
essential tool for many web
computer, you can edit
Builder)-like interface:
without any
developers and programmers,
scripts and view there
main window with a Tag
fear. SourceCop for PHP
offering the ability to
results easily, just like
palette (the analog of the
encrypts a major portion of
protect their PHP code and
editing a HTML page with
Component palette) on
your PHP code using a
therefore their intellectual
Frontpage or Dreamweaver,
the top, Tag editor (the
special encryption method.
property. The new version
analog of the Object
This encryption makes it
contains all of the same
Inspector) and Code editor
almost impossible for a
useful features customers
below. - Web sites are
human to understand. In
have grown to expect,
managed as projects - sets
addition, SourceCop can also
including bytecode encoding,
of files of different
encrypt file names, making
time limiting scripts and
types: HTML, JavaScript,
it even more difficult to
locking to specific domain
PHP, CSS, XML, text,
understand and change the
names or machines. However,
image, etc. Stand-alone
PHP coding. Encrypt,
7.0 further enhances
pages can be edited as
Obfuscate, Encode.
functionality allowing for
well. - Multi-functional
protection of non-PHP
Code editor with HTML,
scripts, including the
JavaScript, PHP, CSS and
popular Smarty templating
XML syntax highlighting. -
system. Other enhancements
Code completion feature
include a faster encoding
quickens the input of
engine, additional security
standard constructions such
layers and a richer, more
as operators, algorithms
intuitive interface. We have
and HTML elements. - Tag
Windows, Linux & Mac OS
palette allows to insert
X encoding clients and a
standard HTML tags with
Command line encoder.
a single click. - Tag
SourceGuardian 7 PHP Encoder
editor helps to set the
is the most comprehesive and
values of the HTML tags'
user-friendly protection
parameters and code their
solution on the market. A
JavaScript event handlers.
free 7-day trial is
- A built-in Web server
with HTTP, PHP and database
support. - Ability to
test Web pages with
different HTTP
parameters using GET and
POST request methods. -
Results of execution can be
displayed in a built-in
Web browser or as a source
HTML code. - A built-in
FTP Client downloads files,
publishes files and
projects on the remote FTP
server, creates
directories, renames,
deletes, changes permissions
on files and directories
on the FTP server.

Date: May, 03 2004

Date: Oct, 26 2006

Date: Aug, 06 2003

Date: Apr, 18 2005
TemplateTamer is a web
Top PHP Studio is an
tsWebEditor is a text editor
UPLA is a lightweight photo
application development tool
Integrated Development
for HTML, PHP, Perl,
upload server that can be
for creating and maintaining
Environment for PHP,
JavaScript, CSS and many
either embedded into an
a template based dynamic PHP
providing comprehensive and
other languages. It displays
existing Web site or
web applications, with
easy-to-use solution for
the source code colored
delivered as a hosted
clearly and completely
editing, testing and
(syntax highlight), code
service. It is extremely
separated php code from the
deploying PHP based web
hint for functions, code
simple, compact, secure and
html design (clean
applications. Main features
completion (PHP, JavaScript,
easy to install and does not
templates). As such it is a
of Top PHP Studio includes:
ASP, HTML), code browser,
require a database backend!
great tool for complex
built-in HTTP server and
PHP debugger and syntax
Features: + Upload
dynamic sites, especially
internal web browser for
validation, help, CSS
and view image files. +
where Designers and
testing PHP scripts,
wizard, HTML tag editor,
Automatically created
Programmers work together on
convenient code editor
HTML syntax validation, and
thumbnails with configurable
the creation of the site.
supporting configurable
an easy to use SQL
size + HTTP based
It's main parts are: (IDE),
syntax highlighting for PHP,
Designer. + Syntax
authentication (Apache setup
Framework for development of
Highlight + Code
only). + Explicit Logout
template apps, PHP Code
Completion + Function
function. + Administrator
generator, PHP Template
completion for standard PHP
Hints + Code Browser + PHP
and Viewer users support +
functions, code explorer,
Debugger + Unicode + FTP
Administrator user can 1)
built-in FTP client, project
Edit + Syntax Check +
upload/delete images 2)
based management, file
Included Help
add/edit image
explorer, find in files,
Documentation + Code
descriptions 3)
syntax checking for PHP
Templates + Search &
create/delete/rename folders
code, visual file comparison
Replace + External
+ Viewer user can only
utility, code snippets for
Programs + Line Break,
browse and view photos. +
CSS and HTML tags,
Bookmarks, Column and Row
Customizable look and feel
templates, automatic
Selection + Wizards + SQL
via CSS, custom HTML header,
parentheses highlighting and
Designer for PostgreSQL and
and flexible configuration
MySQL + and more
file + Customizable help

Date: Apr, 17 2005

Date: Dec, 03 2006

Date: Oct, 02 2006

Date: Oct, 25 2006
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