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Lingua Franca

Hits: 225

NuSphere PHPEd

Hits: 293


Hits: 486


Hits: 196
Lingua Franca is a
PHPEd is an Integrated
WebStudio inherits
Software used to
translation tool for
Development Environment
comprehensive set of Eclipse
automatically build a PHP
creating XML, (My)SQL insert
(IDE) that provides a
editing, debugging and
file that process an HTML
statements, PHP code and/or
flexible, easy-to-use
deployment tools and
form. You’ve just to open
Win INI files. Just add the
platform for developing web
introduces state-of-the-art
the HTML form. The program
captions of the source
sites using PHP, Perl,
features for PHP and other
scans the form and extract
language, the captions of
Python, JavaScript, C++, CSS
open source technologies.
all the fields names from
the target language(s) and
style sheets, and HTML.
it. You’ll have then to fill
create the files needed.
PHPEd also provides
some information and then
streamlined functionality
press the Build button to
for debugging code,
create the PHP file that
publishing projects to
will manage your form.
remote servers through FTP
Italian and English version
and WebDAV, working with
available, can save in a CSV
SOAP servers, and
file. New versione has a
integrating with
function to connect to a
repository-based code
MySQL database and to insert
management systems such as
form fields in the DB.
CVS. PHPEd is suitable for
multiple developers and very
large projects. NuSphere
PHPEd includes a number of
enhanced functionalities
that will increase your
flexibility and productivity
in creating dynamic web

Date: May, 21 2003

Date: Apr, 16 2003

Date: Dec, 16 2002

Date: Oct, 25 2002
SIRFCIT - Show If Recordset
This is an Integrated
PHPEdit is a full featured
This is an intelligent PHP
Field Condition Is True.
Development Environment
PHP IDE for Windows. It has
editor that allows you to
Create a conditional region
(IDE) which can write and
code insight, code
write PHP code by clicking
based on the value of a
run PHP scripts. It
and pointing.
field returned from a MySQL
includes such useful
database. Suppose you had a
features as Syntax
integrated debugger, code
button on your page (say a
highlighting for PHP,
browser, keyboard templates,
TicketWeb button for the
Javascript, CSS, HTML and
and more.
sake of arguement) and you
SQL, Full integration with
wanted to only show that
the PHP parser and the
button if a particular
PHP-GTK library. Since 1.0,
column in your database (say
it has a multi-language
events_ticketweb)has a value
interface that allows you to
of 1. With this extension,
translate the program into
you simply select the item
your language by editing a
on your page and then choose
simple text file.
this server behavior from
your server behaviors panel.
You will be prompted to
select the Connection,
Table, Column, and the
condition you want to test
for. You can check for any
valid PHP condition which
lets you test for both
equality and data type.

Date: Aug, 13 2002

Date: Jul, 04 2002

Date: May, 24 2002

Date: Apr, 15 2002
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