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RLIB - LAMP Report Generator

Hits: 214

E-Gold Bubble Game

Hits: 212

PHP Form Validation Pack

Hits: 205


Hits: 204
E-gold bubble game is the
VDaemon Extension gives
PHing Is Not GNU make. It is
reports from a XML Input
easiest way to play and win
Macromedia Dreamweaver MX
a make tool written in PHP
File in PHP. Uses a MYSQL
real gold. You do not need
users unique possibility to
and based on the ideas and
Back end.
any skills to play this
incorporate form user input
concept of Apache Ant. It
game. You win money when
validation code into php
can basically do anything
there is enough money in the
pages in quick, easy and
you could do with a build
queue. Please take a look at
effective manner - no PHP
system like GNU make, for
the demo page for more
knowlege required to create
example, but uses XML for
detail. Everything is
typical form validation! On
storing the targets and
other hand VDaemon Extension
commands. Using XML, Phing
makes skilled PHP developers
avoids problems like the
free to create advanced
"Space before tab
validation solutions.
problem" in GNU make.
Extension functionality is
Its features include
based on popular VDaemon
processing files while
free php library. VDaemon
copying (e.g., do Token
Extension feachures: -
Replacement, XSLT
easily incorporate VDaemon
transformation, etc.) and
validation into existing web
various file system
sites - supports both
client and server-side
validation - all common
types of validation
(required fields, field
type, range, compare,
regexp, e-mail, custom) -
allows you to completely
customize how error
information is displayed to
the user

Date: Sep, 22 2003

Date: Mar, 02 2004

Date: Jul, 30 2005

Date: Sep, 08 2003
This is an Integrated
SSEditor integrated the
Software used to
The PHP Rocket Add-in for
Development Environment
PHP/PERL script editor with
automatically build a PHP
FrontPage allows you to
(IDE) which can write and
a executing environment in a
file that process an HTML
execute PHP code right
run PHP scripts. It
simple user interface. Just
form. You’ve just to open
inside of FrontPage and
includes such useful
need one step configuration,
the HTML form. The program
displays the results in the
features as Syntax
don't have to configuring a
scans the form and extract
FrontPage Preview window.
highlighting for PHP,
complex web service in your
all the fields names from
Turn FrontPage into a full
Javascript, CSS, HTML and
computer, you can edit
it. You’ll have then to fill
development environment for
SQL, Full integration with
scripts and view there
some information and then
dynamic web sites with the
the PHP parser and the
results easily, just like
press the Build button to
PHP Rocket Add-in. Available
PHP-GTK library. Since 1.0,
editing a HTML page with
create the PHP file that
in two different versions:
it has a multi-language
Frontpage or Dreamweaver,
will manage your form.
one with PHP, and one
interface that allows you to
Italian and English version
without PHP for those who
translate the program into
available, can save in a CSV
already have PHP installed.
your language by editing a
file. New versione has a
Also bug fix for IE 6.
simple text file.
function to connect to a
MySQL database and to insert
form fields in the DB.

Date: Jul, 04 2002

Date: Aug, 06 2003

Date: Oct, 25 2002

Date: Jan, 21 2002
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