K PHP Develop is an
PHP Coder is an IDE
PHPRunner is a database
SAPID is a free ware CMS for
integrated Web developement
(Integrated Development
management tool that
developing and managing
tool, something like MS
Environment) especially
provides easy access and
personal or subject sites.
Interdev. It was designed
developped for PHP
manipulation possibilities
SAPID is easy to install and
for team work. K PHP Develop
programmers. Through tight
for any database on the Web.
features Drag & Drop
contains three modules:
integration of the PHP
Designed to suit all users
site structure management
Server, Server Setup, Client
interpreter and the PHP
from beginners to
and plugins for accessing
documentation, PHP Coder
experienced developers,
create a controllable by CMS
database servers supporting
gives you a time-saving
PHPRunner creates PHP
copy of an existing static
PostgresSQL, MySQL and
Development Interface.
enabling users to search,
site. The flexibility and
Sybase. Current features
Features are Full
edit, delete and add data to
functionality in SAPID are
include: Multiuser access
Integration of the PHP
the Oracle, SQL Server, MS
practically unlimited due to
File locking, HTML,
Interpreter and the PHP
Access, Postgre, or MySQL
the XML Sapiens technology
JavaScript, PHP and SQL
documentation, Integrated
Version 3.1
support. SAPID separates
syntax highlighting,
Preview window, Full Syntax
comes with WYSIWYG visual
data, presentation and
Database access (depends on
Highlighting for HTML and
editor that allows to tweak
functionality so that you
KMySQL plugins), and Query
PHP, AutoComplete for
appearance of generated
can develop your site
analizer (depens on KMySQL
frequently used text
pages with ease of
interfaces without delving
constructs, Project manager,
into the particulars of
Tag Buttons and all the
system development (see
standard editing functions
like almost unlimited undo,
The package includes a
copy and paste, searching,
great number of services,
and more.
such as news channels,
RSS-channels, guest book,
gallery, survey, and
personification. SAPID can
manage HTML-, Flash-, WML-
(WAP), and
Should you
have any questions about
using SAPID, there is a
built-in instant message
pager for contacting the
SAPID community.
Date: May, 13 2000 Date: Feb, 12 2001 Date: Dec, 08 2006 Date: Jan, 17 2005 |
This is an intelligent PHP
ClienTracker enables
TemplateTamer is a web
PHP Expert Editor is a
editor that allows you to
organizations to increase
application development tool
powerful and easy-to-use PHP
write PHP code by clicking
revenues and shorten sales
for creating and maintaining
IDE for Windows. This Editor
and pointing.
cycles by providing robust
a template based dynamic PHP
specially designed for
yet affordable web-based
web applications, with
PHP-masters and has a nice
sales force automation
clearly and completely
features for beginners and
software. With ClienTracker,
separated php code from the
professional programmers.
you'll increase the
html design (clean
PHP Expert Editor has
efficiency and effectiveness
templates). As such it is a
internal HTTP-server and
of your sales force by
great tool for complex
Debugger to run, test and
tracking your leads,
dynamic sites, especially
debug PHP scripts, the PHP
accounts, clients, schedule,
where Designers and
Syntax Check, internal
and email from one central,
Programmers work together on
browser, Code Explorer, File
shared, web-based CRM
the creation of the site.
Explorer, FTP client,
solution. And you get it all
It's main parts are: (IDE),
Project Explorer, Code
for $50/user per
Framework for development of
If you've outgrown
template apps, PHP Code
ACT or Goldmine, but don't
generator, PHP Template
want the headaches and
expense of an enterprise
system like Siebel or SAP,
you've come to the right
Date: Apr, 15 2002 Date: Jan, 11 2005 Date: Apr, 17 2005 Date: Aug, 15 2006 |