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/** Search */



Gubed PHP Debugger

Hits: 347

Hivemail Smilies Addon

Hits: 151


Hits: 483
SAPID is a free ware CMS for
Gubed is a cross platform
A small progam that adds
This non visual components is
developing and managing
program to debug PHP
animated "Smilies"
intended to extract all
personal or subject sites.
scripts. It supports
to the e-mail program
links that founded in your
SAPID is easy to install and
stepping through code,
PHP/HTML file. Full
features Drag & Drop
watching contents of
Includes an auto install
functional "Site
site structure management
variables and using
program, Password protected
structure" demo and
interface. SAPID can
breakpoints (line and
admin area, add / remove
samples for WebDav
create a controllable by CMS
catagories, add / remove
copy of an existing static
Smilies. Fully Customise the
was included.
site. The flexibility and
smiley UI to match your
functionality in SAPID are
site.Just click on the
practically unlimited due to
Smiley to add it to your
the XML Sapiens technology
email (you see the actual
support. SAPID separates
smiley NOT text
data, presentation and
substitution!) For Hivemail
functionality so that you
versions 1.2 and 1.3 onwards.
can develop your site
interfaces without delving
into the particulars of
system development (see
The package includes a
great number of services,
such as news channels,
RSS-channels, guest book,
gallery, survey, and
personification. SAPID can
manage HTML-, Flash-, WML-
(WAP), and
XML/XSL-sites. Should you
have any questions about
using SAPID, there is a
built-in instant message
pager for contacting the
SAPID community.

Date: Jan, 17 2005

Date: Apr, 28 2005

Date: Nov, 30 -1

Date: Oct, 13 2003
This is a Java application
HTML-Kit is a full-featured
Software used to
This is an intelligent PHP
that lets you convert HTML
text editor designed to
automatically build a PHP
editor that allows you to
or text code to PHP code.
help HTML, XML and script
file that process an HTML
write PHP code by clicking
(PHP, Perl, ASP, JSP, etc.)
form. You’ve just to open
and pointing.
authors to edit, format,
the HTML form. The program
lookup help, validate,
scans the form and extract
preview and publish web
all the fields names from
pages. Newcomers to HTML
it. You’ll have then to fill
coding can benefit from
some information and then
letting it point out errors
press the Build button to
and suggest improvements.
create the PHP file that
Experts can save time spent
will manage your form.
on common tasks using the
Italian and English version
customizable and extendible
available, can save in a CSV
editor while maintaining
file. New versione has a
full control over the code.
function to connect to a
MySQL database and to insert
form fields in the DB.

Date: Jan, 15 2002

Date: Oct, 02 2001

Date: Oct, 25 2002

Date: Apr, 15 2002
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