
popular collection of scripts for all

/** Search */



E-Gold Head Tails Game

Hits: 518

Easy Framework

Hits: 710

Email Generator

Hits: 658
v2Double is a simple to play,
Easy Framework implements the
The EcomStarter Pack is a
SharkGen E-mail Generator is
simple to win e-gold head
Model-View-Controller (MVC)
package designed for quick
a commercial program that
tails game. The player guess
design pattern, and
and rapid deployment of an
allows you to generate more
Head or Tails. Bet the guess
encourages application
E-Commerce business. This
than thousands e-mail
via e-gold and have the
design based on this
package has everything
addresses from different
chance to win 200% of player
paradigm. MVC allows the Web
needed to start an
servers and advertise your
bet. Everything is automatic
page (i.e. View) to be
E-Commerce business from the
company by sending your
and fair.
mostly separated from the
ground up at a realistic
adverts to this e-mail
internal application code
price. The following items
addresses. You can manually
(Controller/Model), making
are listed
enter a server's name that
it easier for designers and
below: EcomStarter
you want and obtain e-mail
programmers to maintain and
Referance Guide and Tutorial
addresses from that server.
organise their code. The
E-Book($19.95 value), 1
e.g. yahoo.com, msn.com,
Model contains the business
month free hosting($14
gmail.com ,etc,.......
logic for the application,
value), Plesk 7 with hosting
Choose number of letters.
whereas the Controller
($99 value), osCPro exv1($50
Unlimited Number of search.
forwards the request to the
value), One instance support
Enter any name servers.
appropriate View component.
or consultation ($40 value),
Choose the type of email
The view itself should not
Software installation and
addresses. Change the
contain any further logic
configuration ($20). All
actions manually.
(apart from some design
for only $29.95
topics) or even database
requests. Easy Framework
is not a port of Jakarta
Struts or anything else. It
doesn't try to mimic
anything (of the Java
world), but is a collection
of "best-practice"

Date: Mar, 02 2004

Date: Aug, 09 2005

Date: Nov, 28 2004

Date: May, 30 2005
Enano is a new wiki-like CMS
EZblue|BusinessServer Suite
Forms To Go will create a
Optimizehosting Website
written in PHP. It aims to
is a complete software
PHP, Perl or ASP script for
compression tool is a
be a lightweight, yet
package consisting of the
your HMTL form to send the
server-side script that was
flexible, website solution
EZblue Linux OS, the
field values thru email. The
made for hosting companies
that functions as a
BusinessServer applications
script can validate for
to give to there clients for
companion to a forum or
and the EZblue Magellan
proper user input like valid
free. You install once, and
support center. In addition,
desktop client software all
email, lenght of characters,
your customers log with
Enano provides your site
integrated on one CD. It is
and more. New version
there ftp username and
with support for the all
fast and simple to install.
3.0 add access code
password. The script is very
latest Web 2.0 toys and
Load the CD into any PC that
(captcha) form validation in
efficient, stable and fast.
gadgets, turning your
you want to use as a server,
order to make your script
Give your customers
website into a powerful,
answer a few simple
more secure against
something different.
dynamic web portal.
questions, and you have
spammers. You can accept
Enano comes with all you
fully integrated file
file uploads from your
need to start building your
server, print server, web
users. Just create the
website, including a fast,
server, mail server and
correct field in the form
easy-to-use installer, a
more. Nothing could be
and order Forms To Go to
easier! It is compatible
create a script that will
administration panel, and
with client's computers
accept the file upload and
lots of administration
running Windows, Macintosh
send it attached to the
controls on each page, while
OS or Linux.
email you will receive.
striving to have less bloat
Spam Filtering Recently,
and more float in the sea of
a new form of spam has been
content management systems
targeting HTML forms by
out there.
triggering the scripts that
process them, and
overloading the mailbox of
the HTML form's owner. Forms
To Go script is secure
against this kind of attack.
If some words are included
in any field value, use the
Stop Word Filter option by
selecting the forbidden
words in order to limit the
script execution.

Date: Dec, 16 2006

Date: Jun, 08 2006

Date: Sep, 16 2006

Date: Jul, 08 2005
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