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LucidStorm CpanelMail

Hits: 145

Maguma Workbench

Hits: 273

Meta Tag Generator

Hits: 751


Hits: 160
This script will let you add
The Maguma Workbench is a
With this tool you can
MyPhpFactory is a tool which
a pop3 mail user to your
cross-platform source-level
automatically generate meta
can easy generate PHP based
host if your host runs
editor also known as an IDE
tags for your site.
web sites to edit your data
cpanel. Quick simple
(Integrated Development
in MySQL database. It
installation will let you
Enviroment). Maguma
generates insert, update,
have an email service
Workbench is now available
list and delete pages in
running in no time. We also
for Windows and Linux.
seconds for your MySQL
offer free installation if
Built-in features include:
database. It includes a
you need it. You can use
FTP, Debugging, local and
selectable look and feel,
this in conjunction with a
remote previewing.
built in user input
web based mail reader to
validation, filtering
start a web based mail
system, file upload
service such as hotmail.
possibility and much more.
Signup for a demo email
account <a

Date: Apr, 22 2004

Date: Oct, 27 2004

Date: Oct, 08 2004

Date: Jul, 19 2006
eMeeting is the complete
NMS: Network Monitoring
PHPEd is an Integrated
NuSphere PhpED IDE is a
dating software solution for
System provides you with a
Development Environment
professional integrated
your business. Unlike
simple to use means to
(IDE) that provides a
development environment
many others, eMeeting is
monitor what is happening on
flexible, easy-to-use
intended mostly for building
easy to use, easy to
your server. It uses PHP,
platform for developing web
customize and packed full of
with a database backend, and
sites using PHP, Perl,
web-applications using php,
advanced features found on
can be uploaded to a server
Python, JavaScript, C++, CSS
HTML, XML, CSS. Robust code
most top dating websites!
via FTP. Great for Server
style sheets, and HTML.
editor, powerful php
View our live deminstrations
Administrators and
PHPEd also provides
debugger, profiler and
and amazing software
streamlined functionality
publisher – all in one. It
for debugging code,
also includes integrated
publishing projects to
database and CVS clients,
remote servers through FTP
SOAP services, HTML
and WebDAV, working with
validator and Code Formatter
SOAP servers, and
tools, Terminal support and
integrating with
much more. New in this
repository-based code
version: True Unicode
management systems such as
editor SFTP is supported
CVS. PHPEd is suitable for
for secure uploads and
multiple developers and very
downloads, Telnet and SSH
large projects. NuSphere
terminals for remote
PHPEd includes a number of
enhanced functionalities
tasks Improved code
that will increase your
completion and code insight
flexibility and productivity
functionality Support for
in creating dynamic web
Oracle and MSSQL
databases Highly
customizable graphical user
interface Instant error
analysis Support for all
php versions up to php 4.4.0
and 5.0.4 Seamlessly
integrated with Windows
Shell and extended
integration with 3rd party

Date: Sep, 07 2005

Date: Sep, 21 2006

Date: Apr, 16 2003

Date: Oct, 04 2005
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