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/** Search */




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Hits: 364
Rolte generate a hierarchy of
SCInterface is the leading
If you are new to PHP and
This component allows you to
php files that enable you to
game server control panel
want to start making your
embed SMS messaging into any
edit all of your MySql
product for the GSP
PHP pages right now than
application. It will then
industry. SCInterface is a
this is the software you
connect to Simplewire's
cost effective solution with
need !! Main
Wireless Messaging Network,
a complete distributed
to allow your application to
management system for any
send messages to mobile
GSP and their clientele.
devices in over 100
SCInterface provides the
countries. The PHP SMS SDK
ability to deploy, manage,
provides easy, high-level
and configure any game
control of the Simplewire
server anywhere.
wireless text-messaging
SCInterface's game server
platform. The PHP SMS SDK
control panel is the
provides an easy way to send
definitive solution for a
SMS text-messages in PHP. On
GSP with any number of
Unix/Linux systems, the SDK
physical machines that need
is a wrapper to Simplewire's
to be managed. In
Shared Object SMS SDK. On
today's highly complex game
Windows platforms, the
hosting environment, there
ActiveX SMS SDK is used
are a multitude of game
within PHP. Thus, you can
servers running on different
use it in nearly any PHP
platforms, across many
programming environment. PHP
locations regionally and
applications will execute
globally. For many Game
quickly with the powerful
Service Providers (GSPs),
Shared Object or ActiveX SMS
running these disparate
SDK's running in the
applications will present a
significant administrative
challenge for the support
group. SCInterface
simplifies the
administration of game
servers and provides your
clientele with the right
tools ultimately enhancing
their "gaming
experience". Just plug
SCInterface into any
existing infrastructure and
you're ready to go.

Date: Jul, 14 2004

Date: Sep, 01 2006

Date: Mar, 28 2005

Date: Oct, 11 2001
Siteseed is a PHP/MySQL based
Provide your visitors with a
You can offer your users a
SONET solves a wide range of
CMS system, for unix like
simple .htaccess and MYSQL
new service - Spell Checker.
problems reffering to
operating systems, capable
Small URL service! Please
Spell Checker makes search
of handling huge loads.
e-mail to buy. Full
even more comfortable.Spell
activity arrangement of
Unlike most CMS systems
features, and a real-time
Checker is a plug-in of
your company and bridging
siteseed is built for speed
working demo avalible here:
automated spell checking.
with clients. The program
and easy of use by the
SmartPPC's PRO spell
includes a number
editorial staff. Used by
checking software makes
of modules necessary for
some 2/3 of the Portuguese
automated control of your
office workers as well as
national TV networks.
request, to check the
new modules for company
orthography. If it decides
executives. For your
that you can receive more
office. Creating of a
relevant results using
reliable and dinamically
alternative grammar, it says
"Did you mean: (more
database, Limitation of
common spelling)?".When
access rights to general
you click on alternative
database depending on
word the new search with
official duties. Accounting
this keyword will
of all documents (bills,
start.Admin of the system
contracts and another ones),
have feature to add words to
Creating and analisis of
dictionary and add words
statistical data. For
which spelling will not
executives. Accounting of
Dictionaries:English German
all managers' contacts.
Spanish French Russian
Accounting of workers
Italian Norwegian Portuguese
efficiensy. For
manager. Creating of a
personal list of companies
Plug-In is fully compatible
for dealing with,(or the
with SmartPPC Pro search
list of people for
engine and can be added at
supervisor); Accounting of
any time.
all contacts with clients
(meetings, calls, letters
e.c.) Handly organiser,
Accounting of all incoming
orders and additional files
to them. Making feedback
to all base of e-mail
addresses. Accounting of
incoming payments.

Date: Dec, 16 2003

Date: Aug, 27 2006

Date: Mar, 30 2005

Date: Nov, 30 2004
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