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Magazine Articles


PHP Caches and Debuggers

Hits: 324

PHP Tunisie Magazine

Hits: 530


Hits: 824

PHP: Hackers Paradise

Hits: 822
This article presents a
PHP Tunisie Magazine is a
According to Symantec
Being a good PHP hacker isn't
compilation of all available
FREE monthly french magazine
AntiVirus Research Center,
just about writing single
PHP debuggers and caches,
for PHP Professionnals. The
"PHP.Pirus is the first
line solutions to complex
with benchmarks.
magazine is created and
virus written in PHP, a
problems. For example, web
maintained by PHPTunisie
server-side scripting
gurus know that speed
language used for dynamic
of coding is much more
Web page generation. The
important than speed of
virus searches for .php and
code. This article looks at
.htm files and inserts code
techniques that can help you
to call itself. The virus
become a better PHP hacker.
executes only on servers
It assumes that you have a
with PHP interpreters. This
basic knowledge of PHP and
virus cannot be contracted
by simply visiting an
infected Web page." The
Web page offers technical
description and how to
remove the virus.

Date: Feb, 05 2001

Date: Aug, 02 2004

Date: Dec, 01 2000

Date: Jul, 17 2000
You may already know that PHP
This article by Zend
Give code and examples on the
Can't decide whether to use
is fast, stable, and easy to
describes why PHP is gaining
basics of plotting
PHP scripts, Perl CGIs, or
learn, but you may not know
popularity as the enterprise
geo-coordinates on a raster
Java servlets for your next
how it got that way. In this
solution for developing
map of the world using PHP
Web development project?
interview, Rasmus Lerdorf,
dynamic Web applications.
and GD.
This article will help you
the creator of PHP, talks
decide by providing a
about the unlikely origins
side-by-side comparison of
of this open-source product.
the functioning source code
Then core developers Stig
of all three languages
Bakken, Andi Guttmans, and
Zeev Suraski explain how
they came to work on PHP and
discuss the evolution of the
language. Plus, you'll hear
about the planned support
for XML and MySQL and what's
going on with Zend.

Date: May, 16 2000

Date: Aug, 28 2003

Date: Jul, 28 2004

Date: Nov, 12 2001
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