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Free Software Profile: PHP

Hits: 608

Marketing manu scripts

Hits: 1321
There is a long-time existed
This article takes a brief
Job costing software lets you
A collection of techniques
obstacle of Microsoft
look at PHP4/Zend
resume your role as project
that Mark Joyner has tested
software products usage in
technology. It discusses
manager, not accountant.
and perfected. Just one
Unix/Linux environment.
such issues as architecture
Manual methods of job
technique can increase your
Microsoft Excel is
and functionality, PHP3 vs
costing simply cannot keep
Internet sales by 32%.
definitely one of the most
PHP4, pros and cons of PHP,
up with a project’s daily
Jay Conrad Levinson said
important programs for a
he'd easily pay $2,000 or
typical user. Hundreds of
more for this document. He
millions of XLS files with
said "every page was a
different information exist
true revelation."
and millions are created
Joe Vitale said everyone
every day. Not only users
selling *anything* on the
work with XLS files on their
Net should keep a copy of
local machines but they also
this on their desk.
want to use such files in
the Internet. Taking into
account the fact that the
great majority of Web
servers are operational
under Unix/Linux we can
clearly recognize the
question about XLS file
reading under Unix/Linux.
The good news is that the
problem has already been

Date: Mar, 22 2006

Date: Aug, 01 2000

Date: Aug, 14 2006

Date: Aug, 04 2005
A survey and discussion of
PEAR is the standard library
PHP 4.0 makes its debut. The
Classified as "the most
how popular PHP, JSP, ASP,
of PHP code for PHP4.
author puts PHP 4 through
popular Apache module"
and CFM scripting languages
Tutorials and documentation
its paces on one of the
by E-Soft, PHP is one of the
are by counting search
on PEAR can be found here.
busiest Web sites
least frequently mentioned
engine URLs.
around--Linux Today--and
languages amongst the XML
what his benchmarking shows
discussion lists. PHP4
will amaze you: PHP 4.0 is
brings many enhancements to
an amazingly fast tool that
PHP's object oriented
can optimize any Web site.
features and should
therefore allow a leap
forward in the XML direction
which PHP3 didn't allow.

Date: Nov, 15 2000

Date: Apr, 10 2001

Date: Jun, 07 2000

Date: May, 16 2000
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