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Magazine Articles


Comparing PHP and Cold Fusion

Hits: 786

Plotting points on a map in PHP

Hits: 780

Evolution of a Super Hero

Hits: 742
The recent benchmarking spree
A comparison of PHP of Cold
Give code and examples on the
The release of PHP 4.0, the
of PhpLib, ADODB, PEAR DB,
Fusion by Mike Sheldon. It's
basics of plotting
long-awaited, next
Metabase and Native MySQL
interesting to note that
geo-coordinates on a raster
generation of the popular
has brought more questions
Allaire is moving strongly
map of the world using PHP
Web scripting language, is
up how to to design fast and
toward the Java platform,
and GD.
just around the corner. The
powerful class libraries in
and reports are that CF 5.0
most recent version, release
PHP. This short article
will be an abstraction layer
candidate 1, is stable and
describes how to design a
on a Java Servlet engine.
ready to take over PHP 3.0's
fast and powerful class
Allaire is also very
role in Web application
libraries in PHP.
definitely focusing on the
development. The release
Enterprise market, and IMHO
takes PHP to new levels,
is not paying much attention
with increased performance,
to the "Pro"
more features, and cleaner
market anymore. While the
profit margins are
definitely better in the
Enterprise market, there's
a whole ton more volume in
the rest of the market,
which is ripe for PHP to

Date: Oct, 29 2001

Date: Jan, 01 2001

Date: Jul, 28 2004

Date: May, 16 2000
Learn how to use PHP to
PHP is an Open Source
Cookies allow the webmaster
This article takes a brief
separate the different
language that is widely
to store information about
look at PHP4/Zend
elements that make up a well
popular on the web. However
the site visitor on their
technology. It discusses
designed and valid Web page
because PHP so popular in
computer to be accessed
such issues as architecture
into its component parts and
shared hosting environments,
again the next time they
and functionality, PHP3 vs
have these parts adapt in
many people have an
visit. One common use of
PHP4, pros and cons of PHP,
certain powerful ways. These
impression that PHP is only
cookies is to store your
components correlate almost
for small scale web-sites.
username and password on
exactly with the modular
This is patently untrue, and
your computer so you don't
design of XHTML itself.
PHP is in use in many large
need to login again each
Covers the key differences
scale web sites such as
time you visit a website.
between HTML and XHTML, the
Yahoo Finance and for the
Cookies can also store other
HTTP protocol, content
creation of large web
things such as your name,
negotiation and MIME types,
applications such as IMP.
last visit, shopping cart
returning the correct
This article is an attempt
contents, etc.
DOCTYPE declaration,
to readdress the balance and
www.articlecircle.com ...
building custom metadata in
show how PHP is used in the
The main difference between
the <head> section of
a cookie and a session is
each document, extracting
that a cookie is stored on
navigation elements and
your computer, and a session
content from a MySQL
is not. Although cookies
database, markup functions,
have been around for many
and finally closing page
years and most people do
elements. The series
have them enabled, there are
concludes with a sample page
some who do not. Cookies can
that demonstrates all the
also be removed by the user
key aspects. Full annotated
at any time, so don't use
source code is provided
them to store anything too

Date: Jul, 26 2005

Date: Jun, 24 2004

Date: Dec, 15 2006

Date: Aug, 01 2000
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