
popular collection of scripts for all

/** Search */



Javascript Popup Template

Hits: 1572

Simple Popup Script

Hits: 1548

Deppendant LB

Hits: 1480

Stop Watch

Hits: 956
Popup template - function
This script when used will
Dependant Listboxes enable a
Stop Watch has Start/Stop and
which creates popup windows
make a popup with whatever
flexible rendering of
reset functions. Allows the
and defines their
file you want to be in it.
listboxes whos content is
user to start a timer, stop
characteristics which you
dependant from each other in
the it while the timer
can paste into your
an hierachical way.
continues to run, and reset
javascript code and easily
to zero while running or
stopped. Ideal for timing
downloads, database queries,
analysis algorithms, or just
about anything. Simply
copy the code between the
two markers and paste into
any html page: <!--
--> ... <!--

Date: May, 27 2003

Date: Apr, 01 2004

Date: Jul, 23 2004

Date: May, 11 2004
Let your visitors see a
This class provide a
Menu status clarified- HV
This script displays a
status bar and information
JAVASCRIPT interface to the
menu found on Dynamic Drive
message in the status bar
as they wait for your images
eBusiness Charts
may be used on both
when the page is right
to preload into there
generatation remote service.
commerical and non
clicked. Very easy to add
browser cache. Tested on
The class takes several
commerical sites. This
and edit in your body tags.
MSIE6 and NS6 but should
types of charts design and
applies EXCLUSIVELY to
work on all versions of MSIE
configuration parameters and
script found on Dynamic
and Netscape - NOT Netscape
outputs HTML that makes the
Drive, and not author's
2-4 (document.layers). This
charts appears on a local
site. Menu can be
is the improved version of
page embeding a chart image
vertically static Menu can
"Image loading
served remotely by the
be horizontal justified
message". Easily
eBCharts service.
Selected path can stay
customisable to work with
highlighted More control
other scripts.
over arrows. Fixed
relative positioning bug in

Date: Dec, 18 2003

Date: Apr, 30 2004

Date: Nov, 12 2003

Date: Apr, 25 2004
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