
popular collection of scripts for all

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magnifying glass

Hits: 952

Random Quote

Hits: 1128

Analogue Clock

Hits: 1206
Save money and time by
you can load external image
This script loads quotes from
It is a flash analogue clock
getting all 10 Flash MX
files and create magnifying
a text file into a flash
for your website. It can
scripts in a single
glass effect with flash 8's
movie randomly. An one more
shows date along with time.
download. The scripts are as
new bitmap API
button has also been given
It has a semi transparent
follows: Flash MX | PHP
with the movie so that
background designed just
Form Flash MX | PHP
visitors can view more
like an analogue clock. It
quotes. You just need to
can be used in web pages to
Subscription Flash MX | PHP
write down your quotes into
add some interactivity.
User Authentication Flash
a text file and this script
MX | XML MP3 Loader Flash
will do all the others. It
MX | PHP Tell a
has two different layouts to
Friend Flash MX | XML Link
match maximum to your web
Loader Flash MX | XML Image
page design.
Gallery Flash MX | XML
Transition Gallery Flash MX
| PHP Guestbook Flash MX |
PHP Counter *NEW* Flash 8 |
Loader *NEW* Flash 8 | XML
FLV Player *NEW* Flash MX |
Blog All come with complete
source files as well as
instructions for use. Visit
the link above for product

Date: Sep, 15 2006

Date: Sep, 15 2006

Date: Sep, 11 2006

Date: Sep, 11 2006
This script allow you to mail
It is a flash digital clock
This is an easy to use
a very simple Flash Trailer
your contact form directly
for your website. It can
preloader to enhance your
with some animated icons and
from a swf file. You can use
shows date along with time.
flash files. This can show
letters, small size and easy
any kind of language like
It has a semi transparent
all the necessary
to modify!
php, asp or cgi. Even if you
background, which creates
information when preloading
have none of them, you can
the visual effect of a LCD
the file. It shows a
use remote form mailer
panel. It can be used in web
parcentage bar and parcent
services with this script.
pages to add some more
get loaded, besides it also
shows total file size in kb
and kbs get loaded.

Date: Sep, 11 2006

Date: Sep, 11 2006

Date: Sep, 11 2006

Date: Sep, 11 2006
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