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Dynamic Interactive US Map

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Hits: 1116
Easily add an Flash FLV Video
This version uses 2 swf
Complete dynamic Us
Eyelash is a lightweight
Player to your Dreamweaver
files, both are under 5KB in
interactive map. Simple
Flash portfolio application
websites using our custom
size, to dynamically pass
embed map in to your
. The Photo Gallery uses PHP
FLV Player Extension. A
the url of the flv file to a
website. Change States URLs
to read image list from a
single external FLV file is
larger or fullscreen pop-up
in text file and map will be
directory of images,
displayed within the player
window. The right click menu
linked to your web. Even can
generates thumbnails, and
using the Flash MX FlashVars
now has FLV movie controls
paste ASP and PHP links to
outputs a Flash layout of
for Passing the url to your
built into the menu to
connect map with database.
clickable thumbnails that
external FLV file. This
preserve real estate on the
click to the full-size
loads an external Flash FLV
player. There are two
image. Images added to the
Video file for progressive
version of the Dynamic Flash
folder are automatically
flv file streaming to be
FLV Progressive Video Player
added to the gallery. It
played within our Flash 7
both are powered by a PHP
features mouse-overs with a
Media Controller. The
script that allows you to
fade in/fade out effect and
FlashVars feature is used to
serve Flash FLV movies or
a vertical scroll bar for
specify an FLV file. The
video of any length from
additional thumbnails. Now
FlashVars holds a single
your website without needing
incorporates next and
relative or full url to the
Flash communications server.
previous buttons with
FLV file to be played and
rollover effect.
can be used as a local or
web-based FLV Player.

Date: Nov, 30 -1

Date: Aug, 09 2004

Date: Nov, 21 2006

Date: May, 09 2006
If you are a professional
FCS FLV Player is designed
These modules are designed as
Stop paying $30-$150 per
photographer or graphic
for streaming with
a feedback form to get
template and $50-$150 per
artist, you need to present
Macromedia Flash
impressions and comments
flash template! For $29.95,
your portfolio in the most
Communication Server (FCS)
from your visitors.
you will gain access to
eye-catching and dynamic way
.FLV video files only. It
Create great first
thousands of graphics, for
possible. Using advanced
only requires the user to
impressions by having the
less than one template
Macromedia Flash technology,
have only Flash Version 6
latest interactive
elsewhere, for your
you can now do this!
player installed. The
technology available.
lifetime! That means you
This Flash photo / image
differrence between a
The module can be amended
download all the templates
gallery allows extensive
component and an .FLA file
and customized visually
and graphics for $29.95 This
customization, so that you
is the amount of control you
although the layout changes
deal cannot be beat!!
can make your portoflio look
have over the features and
have some restrictions.
almost any way that you
design of your video player.
Delivery includes 100%
want, within certain layout
A component allows for
flash source files (.fla)
constraints. This gallery
reusable code to be easily
and PHP CMS.
includes some sleek,
modified from within flash,
eye-catching special
this is a fast solution to
effects, and added many
implement video but, you
options for external
cannot modify or add any
configuration of the
additional features or
gallery. Just add your
change basic design parts of
non-progressive JPG images
the player. Our FCS FLV
to the appropriate
Player with the source code
directory, set the options
allows you to easily change
in the configuration file,
any of the features or
and then off you go! This
design of the player by
gallery includes an XML
editing the code in Flash MX
configuration file which
or Flash MX Pro 2004. Your
will allow you to adjust the
player is ready to go when
layout of the gallery
you recieve it, it can be
thumbnails relative to the
uploaded to your server, you
main image, and change the
can modify the FlashVars in
colors of almost any part of
the html file to point to
the system. The 4 possible
your FLV video file and it
layouts can be previewed
will work. You can
using the Demo links above.
completely control player
2 of these layouts show the
functionality and design by
gallery in so-called
modifying the FLA files
"smooth scrolling"
actionscript code using
mode, whereby the thumbnails
Flash MX or Flash MX 2004:
are displayed in a
Our FCS FLV Player
scrolling, single-column
supports the following
features: ABOUT An
optional button to show a
logo or other related
information when the about
button is clicked AUTOPLAY
When you pass the flash
variable AP=off the FLV file
will load but, be paused so,
you can embed multiple video
players into a single page
and using flashvars choose
which ones will play when
the page loads and which
videos will be paused. MUTE
When the mute button is
clicked all audio is turned
off and the video is
paused PLAY Starts when the
video begins or when the
play button is clicked after
a movie has been
paused STOP Is when the
video ends or when the
stop/zoom buton is clicked,
this returns the movie being
played to the
begining PAUSE This button
will pause the video at the
point in the timeline and
when clicking the play
button, the video, will play
from the point on the movies
timeline that the pause
button was clicked BUFFER
The buffer value can be hard
coded or set as a variable
using FlashVars SCRUBBING
Moves the video timeline
every time the video
scrubber is moved to a
position on the movies
timeline ZOOM The Zoom
button opens a larger sized
browser window and stops the
smaller player from playing,
cuurently the zoom turns the
320x240 video player to a
popup 640x480 video player
Tracking the end of the
video or total time is done
automatically by FCS
communicating dirctly with
the SWF file.

Date: Feb, 28 2005

Date: May, 30 2005

Date: Jun, 20 2005

Date: Jun, 21 2004
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