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Text Effects

Hits: 577

Vertical menus

Hits: 976

Wall ball

Hits: 980
We offer beautiful free flash
The Bit Component Set is a
We offer beautiful commercial
Test your reflexes with our
text effects for your web
set of 32 of the most common
flash menus and buttons. The
version of this exciting
sait. You will get full
user interface components
packet contents three flash
wall ball game in which you
source code and graphics
for Macromedia Flash MX 2004
vertical menus. You will get
must hit all the panels in
including: fla, swf och html
and Flash 8. As opposed to
full source code and
the front wall to win. This
the Macromedia v2
graphics including: fla, swf
game allows you to
components, the Bit
och html files.
optionally start on a higher
components are light weight,
level in which the ball
easy to skin and easy to
moves faster
style. These components are
great for web pages and for
developers making Rich
Internet Applications.

Date: Oct, 13 2006

Date: Dec, 13 2005

Date: Oct, 14 2006

Date: Apr, 03 2005
Five amazing Flash preloaders
The XDate class extension was
This is an easy to use
xml photo album automatically
compiled in a .mxp
designed specifically to
navigation solution for your
creates album names and
file. Auto installing
make Flash date-based
site. All the thing that you
places and centers your
extension for Flash
applications, such as
need is just edit the xml
thumbnails on stage, and
MX. Really out of the
calendars, much simpler. The
file to add new link. It has
creates page holders for the
box: -Download the mxp
class contains various
a very attractive background
thumbnails. All you need to
file > -Install it
methods for obtaining a wide
and sound to each navigation
do is to define the name of
> -Open the
array of date information.
the albums, sort images, set
Component Panel
The extension is very
the number of columns-rows
> -Drag your
straight-forward and will
for thumbnails, and
favourite loadbar on to the
make your life much easier
thumbnail size in your XML
stage > -Publish...
for any date operations.
file. The code resizes
and you are done!
images to stay in frame as
well. You can also attach
notes for your photos too.
Even you don't need to do
any actionscript. Extremely
easy!! Put your files in an
image folder and just work
on the XML file.
Actionscript is attached
externally as an AS file,
easy to adjust for your web

Date: Oct, 28 2004

Date: Oct, 23 2005

Date: Sep, 11 2006

Date: Apr, 23 2006
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