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3D Fobwatch

Hits: 479

3D Halloween Skull

Hits: 854


Hits: 894
This movie clip contains a 3D
This is a 3D loop of a skull
ActionScript.org maintains a
This smooth loop of a biplane
vector animation of a
turning 360 degrees under a
categorized archive of Flash
was originally designed for
fobwatch dropping from above
spotlight and was designed
source files from developers
video footage. It has 48
with the case opening to
for Halloween use - movie
worldwide, focusing on
frames - these can be
reveal an actual working
clips, screensaver or
source files which display
reduced for a more
clock. The clock takes it's
animated gif. The clip
ActionScript in action.
compressed web size (remove
time settings from the
consists of 15 frames, each
Available categories
every 2nd frame or more as
user's PC. You can also use
a high quality png file.
include: Scripting, Special
desired). The clip can be
single elements in your
Effects, Text Effects, Video
turned into a MC and tweened
animation, or replace the
in Flash, 3D Effects and
to extend action on the
clock with a photo, as in a
timeline, or used a single
locket effect.
shots (just rotate/tween the
propellor instead of single
keyframe clips).

Date: Oct, 18 2004

Date: Oct, 13 2004

Date: Sep, 07 2004

Date: Aug, 20 2004
This version uses 2 swf
3D flash loop of rock
These web templates are
This XML Powered Flash
files, both are under 5KB in
crystals turning 360 degrees
actually good (amazingly
External Progressive FLV
size, to dynamically pass
with lighting effects. Made
enough) and some of the
Video and MP3 Audio Player
the url of the flv file to a
with Flash MX and Maya 5.
Flash ones are really
includes the Flash version
larger or fullscreen pop-up
amazing. I've learned some
checker to insure a smooth
window. The right click menu
new tricks by downloading a
user experience for users
now has FLV movie controls
template and adding my own
that do not have the latest
built into the menu to
personal flair. These are
Flash Player. The
preserve real estate on the
the only templates that
included source code in .FLA
player. There are two
haven't made me say to
file format can be modified
version of the Dynamic Flash
myself, 'I could make a
in the Flash 2004 authoring
FLV Progressive Video Player
better site than that.'
environment with the
both are powered by a PHP
Definitely worth a look.
included source code. A
script that allows you to
single external FLV or MP3
serve Flash FLV movies or
file is displayed within the
video of any length from
player using the Flash MX
your website without needing
2004 media controller for
Flash communications server.
display. This loads an
external XML file for
progressive mp3 or flv file
streaming to be played
within the Flash 2004 MX
Media Controller. The XML
file holds a single relative
or full url to the file to
be played and can be used as
a local or web-based MP3 /
FLV Player.

Date: Aug, 09 2004

Date: Jul, 30 2004

Date: Jul, 27 2004

Date: Jul, 19 2004
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