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avPRO Webcam Chat

Hits: 945

Full Flash Site Template

Hits: 642
Check out our amazing
Flash Communication Server,
This is a full flash site
The Bit Component Set is a
collection of Flash menus
Or Flash Media Server Webcam
template, made by
set of 32 of the most common
including dropMenu,
Chat, 6 Webcam Windows Per
TurquoiseGala.com, includes:
user interface components
scrollMenu, bounceMenu,
chat room, Roomlist, Create,
background sound (<made
for Macromedia Flash MX 2004
textMenu, zoomMenu and more
and Delete Rooms, Private
by TurquoiseGala.com), and
and Flash 8. As opposed to
... These menus are
Chat. Online Demo Available.
other sounds on page
the Macromedia v2
skinnable and easy to use as
transitions, and page
components, the Bit
well as dynamically
transitions. Also, has a
components are light weight,
locked menu, when you click
easy to skin and easy to
the menu, it freezes, and
style. These components are
doesn't disappear, until a
great for web pages and for
subcategory is selected. If
developers making Rich
you use, please leave the
Internet Applications.
credits in place, at the
bottom of the template,
saying "Template made
by TurquoiseGala.com".
Also, Flash menu was
deactivated, so no
unfamiliar users can make
mistakes! Free for anyone.
leave credits though. Free
for non-commericial and
non-business use ONLY.

Date: Jan, 14 2006

Date: Jan, 05 2006

Date: Dec, 29 2005

Date: Dec, 13 2005
The 3DBox component is great
The xmlCalendar component is
Place trackable banner
for creating interactive 3D
a dynamically updatable
adverts on your Flash
mance 123FlashChat can fully
effects from flat elements,
event calendar for your
websites with bannerRotator.
integrate database of
in your Flash projects. It
Flash websites. It's easy to
Banners are displayed in a
Postnuke, phpbb, phpnuke,
only requires that you put
define recurring events
random order according to a
vbulletin, etc. all kinds of
together the various
using the XML option. This
specified maximum number of
forums or websites & has
elements, and this Flash
calendar is fully skinnable
impressions, clicks or range
the most customizable skin.
component will turn it into
to suit your design needs.
of dates. Banner adverts are
It's java chat server&
a 3D object (no modeling
fully managed and uploaded
stunning flash client with
required). The final product
through a web based user
easy installation on all
can then be rotated in all
interface, without the need
major OS. It's a fast,
directions and viewed from
to re-edit the fla in Flash.
easy,affordable way to host
all angles. We also have 3D
and manage real-time
Plane and 3D Pie chart
chatroom.It allows you to
organize chat-events,
collaborative work sessions
or online meetings stably.

Date: Dec, 13 2005

Date: Dec, 13 2005

Date: Dec, 13 2005

Date: Nov, 30 2005
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