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xml photo album for Flash MX 2004

Hits: 1023


Hits: 467

Flash Chat Application

Hits: 793
xml photo album automatically
A4Flash provides a collection
ImageViewerPlus is an online
This is a small chat
creates album names and
of multimedia flash
Flash photo gallery template
applicaion I wrote to get
places and centers your
templates, and one-stop
for showcasing and viewing
around my college proxy
thumbnails on stage, and
flash design solution for
images in a professional and
server to chat to friends.
creates page holders for the
all your multimedia flash
intuitive interface. All
It works completely on port
thumbnails. All you need to
presentation needs. Type of
configuration is done by
80. You will need php and
do is to define the name of
templates available
editing an easy to edit XML
mysql in order to use it. No
the albums, sort images, set
including Flash, HTML, Combo
file. This would include
administration needed when
the number of columns-rows
(Flash+HTML), Ad Intros,
options for the following:
installed. Install script
for thumbnails, and
Games, and Flash Add ons
Background image, button
included. all code included.
thumbnail size in your XML
(Photo Album, Calendars).
colors, mouseover colors,
file. The code resizes
Suitable for Website or CD
numerous alpha settings,
images to stay in frame as
Presentations. Browse by
thumbnail definitions,
well. You can also attach
themes or categories,
thumbnail mouseover
notes for your photos too.
download full source code
definitions, slide show
Even you don't need to do
files instantly. Content
interval, sound file
any actionscript. Extremely
Management System and
definition, default Info
easy!! Put your files in an
shopping cart modules
screen text, Contact screen
image folder and just work
available for integration
text, gallery button labels
on the XML file.
with selected templates. New
and large image and
Actionscript is attached
templates added on March
thumbnail image definitions.
externally as an AS file,
easy to adjust for your web

Date: Apr, 23 2006

Date: Mar, 04 2006

Date: Jan, 31 2006

Date: Jan, 23 2006
This flash mx actionscript
This is a flash experiment on
This CXP Mini XML Thumbnail
FlashScrollBarMaid is an
experiment shows you how to
photo gallery where each
will allow you to create any
alternative scrollbar for
create a whiteboard
photo has different size.
number of photos by just
flash's classic scrollbar
application in flash mx.
The border will auto resize
adding the pictures to the
component. Users need to
This experiment allows users
itself to suit the width and
xml file. You may change the
adjust the scroller to their
to have full control over
height of the photos. It is
source code to allow any
needs in their flash designs.
the line's color and
very useful if you have a
number of pictures per rows
clearing option. In this
photo gallery and want to
and column. The number of
experiment, the knowledge of
display a border which can
pictures that load to the
drawing API, restrict and
resize itself depending on
flash movie is generated
maxChars will be useful.
your image/photo's dimension.
depending on the number of
pictures from the xml file.

Date: Jan, 19 2006

Date: Jan, 19 2006

Date: Jan, 19 2006

Date: Jan, 17 2006
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