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Flash FormMail

Hits: 1062

Wall ball

Hits: 980

DataGrid Extensions

Hits: 663
This Flash Communications
Flash FormMail v1.1 is very
Test your reflexes with our
Let's face it, the Macromedia
Server powered FLV Player is
easy to install flash
version of this exciting
Flash DataGrid component, as
suggested for use when
formmail script. Which works
wall ball game in which you
provided by Macromedia, is
wanting to protect the video
with PHP to send email from
must hit all the panels in
basically useless. No
file being served.
your website. It also
the front wall to win. This
word-wrapping, no horizontal
Progressive FLV videos are
validates the required
game allows you to
scrolling, no embedding of
cached on the users computer
fields not to be empty and
optionally start on a higher
style sheets, etc. I, for
in thier temporary internet
validates email to be in the
level in which the ball
one, have had enough! The
files, this FCS FLV Player
form of user@domain.com.
moves faster
TUFaT.com Flash Datagrid
connects directly with your
When the user does not fill
builds on the existing
Flash Communications Server,
the required fields, it
Macromedia DataGrid
preventing cacheing and
reminds them to fill.
component, but adds a large
potential Copyright
Features and Advantages:
amount of functionality,
infringments or file
Validates Full Name and
which finally makes this
copying. FCS FLV Player is
Message fields Validates
component useful to
designed for streaming FLV
the Email field Easy to
files with Macromedia Flash
install, just put it in your
applications. Flash
Communication Server. It
HTML page, change the email
developers now have much
only requires the user to
to your own and you are
more control over the
have Flash Version 6 player
done. Nothing else to
FDataGrid Component than you
installed. The differrence
configure. Small in size
ever had before. You will
between a component and an
will load very fast, only
now be able to change the
.FLA file is the amount of
23.5 KB System
font color and style of
control you have over the
Requirements: PHP enabled
individual cells, change the
features and design of your
webhost Flash Player 6 and
background style of
video player. A component
above Size: Flash
individual cells, specify
allows for reusable code to
File (.swf) 23.5 KB
the color of a column EVEN
be easily modified from
Download File 25.2 KB
when alternateRowColors is
within flash, this is a fast
enabled (previously,
solution to implement video
alternateRowColors overrided
but, you cannot modify or
column colors), toggle
add any additional features
horizontal gridlines, use
or change basic design parts
horizontal scrollbars, wrap
of the player. Our FCS FLV
text (even text within the
Player with the FLA source
headers!), remove that ugly
code allows you to easily
header dividing bar, insert
change any of the features
.css style sheet properties,
or design of the player by
and much more! The
editing the code in Flash
FDataGrid Component is made
MX, Flash MX 2004 or Flash
by Macromedia to provide
MX Pro 2004. We most
developers with a useful
recently added the autoplay
tool for displaying data in
feature on the player as
a sortable, editable grid.
well as multiple versions
However, as provided by
showing various features and
Macromedia, the DataGrid
how to use them.
component has many
limitations. These
Extensions get around some
of those limitations, while
building on the existing
DataGrid component, so that
you do not lose any existing
functionality. These
modifications costs $5, and
include 100% of the source
code, as well as the
examples illustrated in the
demo, and an API for the new
functions in PDF format. The
download does NOT include
the DataGrid component
itself. It is assumed that
you already posses the
DataGrid component,
available from Macromedia.
If you are using Flash 7
(also known as Flash MX
2004), then the Datagrid
component comes with the
Flash authoring environment.
If you are using Flash 6,
then the DataGrid component
must be purchased from
Macromedia with a DevNet kit.

Date: May, 29 2005

Date: May, 20 2005

Date: Apr, 03 2005

Date: Feb, 28 2005
If you are a professional
This image gallery is unique
f you are a professional
Several scene shots of the
photographer or graphic
because it preserves the
photographer or graphic
ancient greek parthenon
artist, you need to present
width of the image after
artist, you need to present
designed to be used as
your portfolio in the most
loading, and rotates the
your portfolio in the most
backgrounds in your
eye-catching and dynamic way
image horizontally to allow
eye-catching and dynamic way
animations or projects -
possible. Using advanced
full viewing. This is
possible. Using advanced
could be a courthouse or
Macromedia Flash technology,
excellent if you have those
Macromedia Flash technology,
theatrical background,
you can now do this!
giant panoramic image which
you can now do this! This
whatever. A useful addition
This Flash photo / image
extend for a very large
Flash photo / image gallery
to your fla scenic library.
gallery allows extensive
width. This gallery
allows extensive
customization, so that you
allows for easy
customization, so that you
can make your portoflio look
categorization of your image
can make your portoflio look
almost any way that you
in separate folders. Like
almost any way that you
want, within certain layout
the other Flash image
want, within certain layout
constraints. This gallery
galleries on TUFaT.com, this
constraints. Eye-catching
includes some sleek,
gallery includes an XML
special effects have been
eye-catching special
configuration file. This
built in to the image loader
effects, and added many
gallery, like all scripts on
and thumbnail loader, so you
options for external
TUFaT.com, includes FREE
don't need to even though
configuration of the
UPGRADES forever. It also
the Flash-side. Just add
gallery. Just add your
includes 100% of the Flash
your non-progressive JPG
non-progressive JPG images
source code, and a simple
images to the appropriate
to the appropriate
documentation file in the
directory, and then off you
directory, set the options
form of a Word document.
in the configuration file,
Free user-to-user support is
and then off you go! This
available on the support
gallery includes an XML
configuration file which
will allow you to adjust the
layout of the gallery
thumbnails relative to the
main image, and change the
colors of almost any part of
the system. The 4 possible
layouts can be previewed
using the Demo links above.
2 of these layouts show the
gallery in so-called
"smooth scrolling"
mode, whereby the thumbnails
are displayed in a
scrolling, single-column

Date: Feb, 28 2005

Date: Feb, 28 2005

Date: Feb, 28 2005

Date: Jan, 22 2005
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