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ZBit Win/FTP/Crypt/Encode API

Hits: 196


Hits: 513

Artistry Appraisals

Hits: 220
Transfer files to and from
PDA add-on for news
The Barcode Linear ActiveX
The Artistry Appraisals
FTP servers. Impersonate
management script
Control is an easy to use
application tailored for
anonymous web user to
automatically creating
drag and drop barcode tool.
attorneys, tracks appraisals
perform admin functions from
pocketpc friendly pages. The
This control and OCX is
quickly and easily. Artistry
ASP code, create COM objects
Xtra add-on also features
implemented in single file
Appraisals gets Appraisal
remotely. Save on CPU cycles
full syndication of news to
and supports the following
orders placed online by
with a Sleep function.
other sites.
barcodes: Code 39, UPC, EAN,
clients for attending
Encrypt, Decrypt strings
UCC-128, Code 128, POSTNET,
clients appraisals
with RC4 algorithm by
Codabar, Booklan,
immediatly. Clients will be
providing string of text and
Interleaved 2 of 5,
able to track the appraisals
a password. Base64 Encoding,
non-interleaved 2 of 5 and
order placed in realtime and
Decoding, more...
Code11. It works with any
also can print the
Thread-safe COM DLL built in
Windows application that
appraisals. Each appraisal
C++. Run a process
supports ActiveX technology
placed is date and time
(executable or batch) and
including Visual Basic, C++,
stamped for added control
get output of the execution.
FrontPage, Internet Explorer
and efficiency.
and Microsoft Office.

Date: Jan, 15 2003

Date: Jan, 07 2003

Date: Jan, 06 2003

Date: Dec, 04 2002
This is an activeX that
Barcodeticket.com is a
Does your application require
MW6PDF417 2D barcode control
creates DATAMATRIX barcodes.
ticketing System with paypal
resolution independence?
implements the standard
It has been developed with
backend. Price depends on
Simply drag and drop the
PDF417 and it is easy for
VB 6 and can be used with
the number of ticket set for
small-footprint MegaSpring
you to create two
VB, ASP, MS Access.
the system and the number of
to your VB form, it will
dimensional, multi-row
functions required.
automatically resize all
PDF417 barcode in Word,
controls and fonts without
Excel, Access, Visual Basic
any coding. All controls in
and VC++.
the form are proportional in
size, position and font size.

Date: Oct, 09 2002

Date: Sep, 16 2002

Date: Sep, 03 2002

Date: Sep, 03 2002
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