
popular collection of scripts for all

/** Search */



HTML Meta Tag Generator

Hits: 422

Keyvan1 Book publisher

Hits: 421
Here you will find porting of
ActivSpellChek is a server
Create a system to generate
This script is very useful
some functions not available
side spell checker for
HTML meta tags for every web
for Book Publishing
in Vbscript such as
Active Server Pages (ASP).
page on your site. All you
companies and even
urldecode, base64_decode,
It allows developers to
need to do is input your web
authors. They can add Book
bin2hex, and md5. No
build custom spell checking
site information into 1 form
Titles for each customer or
component to install.
interfaces with HTML and
and the resulting HTML is
publisher and manage the
JavaScript, for use with
created, configured and
sales of their books. There
Textbox's and Textareas.
displayed for you to copy
are 5 different sales
and paste into any web page.
possibilities for each Book.
1.Book store sales
2.Internet Sales 3.Offline
Sales 4.Ebook Sales
5.Merchandise Sales A book
can have
ription,retail price,writer
Reorders,Remain stock,Direct
sales,internet sales,... A
powerful search has been
added.Customers can contact
administrator and vice
versa.Stats of total books.

Date: Sep, 26 2001

Date: Dec, 19 2001

Date: Jan, 18 2000

Date: Jun, 24 2005
Ask an Expert is a
photo gallery, messenger,
Simple ActiveX control for
This simple on-line text
Professional Question and
chat room, manage own
converting text from one
generator to instantly
Answer Script exactly like
profile, search with basic,
charset to another. Supports
generate content / text.
Yahoo Answers/experts
advance and match finder.
all western languages,
Easily generate content
Exchange.When asking a
read and send email and lots
Chinese, Japanese, Korean,
containing relative keywords
question, you categorize it
more . Admin can manage
Hebrew, Arabic, Thai,
or phrases. Generate filler
in a topic, making it easier
users, can select the
Vietnamese, Russian,
content or text for demo
for others to find and
payment gateways, can make
Cyrillic, Ukraine, Greek,
sites. Specify total number
answer it. Your question is
different mbership option
Turkish, Icelandic,
or words, words per sentence
open for others to answer
like basic, premier e.t.c 40
Croatian, Romanian,
and sentences per paragraph.
for 7 days. You can extend
payment gateway added, More
Bulgarian, Hungarian, and
The content generator will
or shorten this time
stable chat, more email and
more. Conversion to/from
randomize the keywords.
period.Once your question is
advance search function
Unicode is also supported.
answered, select the best
added in new version
answer, or have the
community vote for the best

Date: Mar, 06 2006

Date: May, 22 2006

Date: Mar, 05 2004

Date: Dec, 24 2005
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